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Iron and steel material is consi dered modern and old, entered the technical field of the wider doors so as to durability. The problematic use of industrial metal scraps in the creative process for the completion of the work lies in the contemporary sculptural contemporary artist's desire to address this matter and in order to enrich and satisfy the desires of the creative artist as all contemporary sculptors and creators world are looking for the sustainability of their art work. since the nature of the raw material used such as iron, steel and metal alloys that are not oxidized ore is solid, durable and resistant to erosion of natural materials, making it ideal for huge sculptures adorn squares and public places permanently. It was here on the most important stages of lighting and developments in the art of forming minerals and direct it by eating some of The most relevant functional testing in Europe, Asia and America as well as to trace the beginnings of this art in the Arab world and the definition of the most important patrons and review of the most important experiences.
The huge technological advancement and the artist's enthusiasm for the development of original metallic sculpture using non-costly, accessible and natural material that provides sculpting work continuance and meets his/her innovative instinct as a r eflection of their faithfulness, patience and technical seriousness. The sculptors of the twentieth century especially the talented artists as Picasso, calder and cesar chose metal thus translating their amazing skills, creativity and innovation in their works, and expanding their sculpted achievements in a close and reciprocal relationship between the monument and creativity clearly appears. In this research, we shed light on a summary of the most three dazzled artists in our age, not to forget that those three artists started with classical realism in their experience in metal works to end with modern sculpting including abstraction which is manifested in calder and cesar's new works. Their great works invaded the modern world, thus proving the close relationship between metal and artistic creativity in a statue.
يتحدث هذا المقال عن القصور التي شيدت في المدة الممتدة من نهاية الألف الثالث ق.م (عصر سلالة أور الثالثة 2112 - 2004 ق.م) إلى نهاية الألف الثاني - ق.م (عصر البرونز الوسيط 2000– 1600 ق.م، وعصر البرونز الحديث 1600 – 1200 ق.م) في سورية و العراق. و شه دت هذه المرحلة نهضة كبيرة على صعيد العمارة الملكية، ما دفعني لدراستها بهدف الكشف عن الأنماط المعمارية التي عرفتها القصور المشيدة آنذاك. حاول هذا البحث التركيز على نقاط جوهرية في القصور خاصة فيما يتعلق بظروف ظهور القصور و ارتباطها بالسلطة السياسية و أهميتها في حياة الممالك القديمة. و سعى هذا البحث أيضاً إلى تقديم صورة عن عالم القصور و علاقة هذا العالم بالعالم الخارجي، و يمكن تكوين هذه الصورة من خلال دراسة القصر من الناحيتين المعمارية و الأثرية. و بفضل ذلك كله، يمكننا تعرف وظائف القصور (سياسية و دينية و إدارية و اقتصادية) في العراق و سورية في المرحلة التي ندرسها.

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