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The research aims to identify the degree of personal prevalence of atypical (extroversion and neuroticism) at the research sample of students from the College of Education at the University of Damascus. And the level of Independence/Reliability am ong a sample search of students of the Faculty of Education at the University of Damascus individuals. And the level of statistical significance differences among a sample search individuals on a typical personal measure (extroversion and neuroticism) and the measure of independence/reliability according to variables Search: (sex, school year). And adopted a researcher at the descriptive analytical method, the sample consisted search of (605) students from the students of the Faculty of Education at the University of Damascus, and the researcher to apply personal typical measure (extroversion and neuroticism), and a measure of Independence /Reliability.
The research aims to identify the degree of personal prevalence of atypical (extroversion and neuroticism) at the research sample of students from the College of Education at the University of Damascus. And the level of Independence/Reliability am ong a sample search of students of the Faculty of Education at the University of Damascus individuals. And the level of statistical significance differences among a sample search individuals on a typical personal measure (extroversion and neuroticism) and the measure of independence/reliability according to variables Search: (sex, school year).
This paper deals with the transition, which is noted in the concept of the right to selfdetermination under the influence of the increasing interest in the issues of democracy and human rights and the accompanying growing globalization of problems , And notably those arising from the relationship of ethnic or religious minorities with the governments of its mother, which is now rising in many voices calling to go towards the prevention of such minorities the right to secession and legitimize public international law on such a separation under the title of the right to self-determination , This prompted some scholars and researchers for a shift in the concept of this right from the fact that he want international mechanism to achieve the independence of States under the yoke of colonialism and to ensure undertaken to full sovereignty over its national territory to a means of settling internal conflicts waged by some minorities with the governments of its countries Which requires to shed light on this transformation and its compatibility statement with the concept and content of the right to self-determination, with the study of the contemporary situation of those cases, namely the secession of southern Sudan to give as much vitality to the research and its results
رد المحكم هو منعه من النظر و الفصل في القضية التحكيمية، بناء على طلب أحد الخصوم، لأسباب يخشى أن تخرجه عن حياده، و على الرغم من أن الأصل يقضي بأن يختار أطراف التحكيم المحكمين إلا أن المشرع السوري أجاز رد المحكم و حدد أسباب الرد في المادة 18 من قانون ا لتحكيم. و تقسم أسباب رد المحكم إلى مجموعتين، المجموعة الأولى تجيز رد المحكم للأسباب ذاتها التي يصح رد القضاة من أجلها، و المجموعة الثانية تجيز رد المحكم إذا فقد أحد شروط صلاحيته المنصوص عليها في قانون التحكيم، و قد تحدثنا عن ذلك في مبحثين، مخصصين مبحث مستقلٌ لكل مجموعة.

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