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Relationship between CRM Dimensions and Banking Performance (Field study on private banks in Lattakia)

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 نشر من قبل جامعة تشرين مقالة
 تاريخ النشر 2018
  مجال البحث اقتصاد
والبحث باللغة العربية
 تمت اﻹضافة من قبل امانة التحرير مجلة جامعة تشرين

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Customer Retention Management (CRM) provides a strong competitive advantage for the organization to stay in the market. It helps management to track customer interactions with the organization and allows employees access to all customer,s previous information; CRM gains its importance by creating a strategic vision to achieve the organization's goals of maintaining customers and reaching loyalty through integration with marketing policies and product development To increase the sales of the organization and to make offers that attract the target customer and interact with him in a way that ensures its preservation. The aim of the study is to define the reality of the application of CRM during the crisis period (2011-2018) in the Syrian private banks in Lattakia, and study the dimensions of customer relationship management in these banks, and then study the impact of these dimensions on the performance indicators that were measured through indicators of profitability, customer complaints, strong relationships with customers, customer satisfaction and loyalty. In order to achieve this, two main hypotheses were formulated. The researcher used the questionnaire technique to collect the data analyzed using statistical tests, the most important of which were the one-sample t. test, and the Pearson Correlation test. The researcher has reached several results, the most important of which is: a good evaluation of the availability of CRM dimensions in the studied banks, and there is a positive relationship between these dimensions and performance.

ملخص البحث
تتناول هذه الدراسة العلاقة بين أبعاد إدارة علاقات العملاء (CRM) والأداء المصرفي في المصارف الخاصة بمحافظة اللاذقية خلال فترة الأزمة (2011-2018). يهدف البحث إلى دراسة تأثير أبعاد إدارة علاقات العملاء على مؤشرات الأداء مثل الربحية، شكاوى العملاء، العلاقات الوطيدة مع العملاء، رضا العملاء وولائهم. استخدم الباحثان الاستبانة لجمع البيانات وتحليلها باستخدام اختبارات إحصائية مثل اختبار الوسط الحسابي واختبار الارتباط الثنائي. توصلت الدراسة إلى نتائج تشير إلى وجود علاقة إيجابية بين أبعاد إدارة علاقات العملاء والأداء المصرفي، مع تقييم جيد لتوافر هذه الأبعاد في المصارف المدروسة. كما أوصت الدراسة بزيادة الاهتمام بإدارة علاقات العملاء وتوفير الجوانب التنظيمية والتكنولوجية اللازمة لتحسين الأداء المصرفي.
قراءة نقدية
تعتبر الدراسة مهمة في تسليط الضوء على أهمية إدارة علاقات العملاء في تحسين الأداء المصرفي، خاصة في ظل الظروف الصعبة التي مرت بها سوريا خلال فترة الأزمة. ومع ذلك، يمكن توجيه بعض النقد البناء للدراسة. أولاً، قد يكون من الأفضل توسيع نطاق الدراسة لتشمل مصارف أخرى في مناطق مختلفة من سوريا للحصول على صورة أشمل. ثانياً، يمكن تعزيز الدراسة باستخدام أساليب بحثية متنوعة مثل المقابلات والملاحظات المباشرة لتعزيز النتائج. ثالثاً، يجب أن تأخذ الدراسة في الاعتبار تأثير العوامل الخارجية مثل التغيرات الاقتصادية والسياسية على أداء المصارف، وهو ما لم يتم تناوله بشكل كافٍ.
أسئلة حول البحث
  1. ما هي الأبعاد الرئيسية لإدارة علاقات العملاء التي تم دراستها في البحث؟

    الأبعاد الرئيسية لإدارة علاقات العملاء التي تم دراستها هي التركيز على العملاء المربحين، البعد التنظيمي، إدارة المعرفة، وتطوير التكنولوجيا.

  2. ما هي الأدوات الإحصائية التي استخدمها الباحثان لتحليل البيانات؟

    استخدم الباحثان اختبار الوسط الحسابي One-Sample t. test واختبار الارتباط الثنائي Pearson Correlation لتحليل البيانات.

  3. ما هي النتائج الرئيسية التي توصلت إليها الدراسة؟

    توصلت الدراسة إلى وجود علاقة إيجابية بين أبعاد إدارة علاقات العملاء والأداء المصرفي، مع تقييم جيد لتوافر هذه الأبعاد في المصارف المدروسة.

  4. ما هي التوصيات التي قدمتها الدراسة لتحسين إدارة علاقات العملاء في المصارف الخاصة السورية؟

    أوصت الدراسة بزيادة الاهتمام بإدارة علاقات العملاء، جذب العملاء المربحين، توفير الجوانب التنظيمية والتكنولوجية اللازمة، وتوفير قواعد بيانات متخصصة للعملاء.

كلمات مفتاحية

المراجع المستخدمة
ﻻ يوجد مراجع
قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

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This research aimed to discover the relationship between the degree of financial leverage resulting from the increase in the volume of deposits deposited by customers in the bank, and the degree of quick liquidity that the bank needs to meet its obli gations related to the payment of interest on deposits or to meet requests for withdrawal from them or to meet borrowing requests by customers. The research relied on the descriptive analytical approach. The research community included all fourteen private banks listed on the Damascus Securities Exchange, where the necessary secondary data related to the studied banks were collected from the website of the Damascus Securities Exchange, and the research also relied on cross-sectional data analysis for the fourteen study community vocabularies during the period 2010-2018, depending on the random-effects model, which statistical tests conducted for this purpose proved to be the appropriate model among the basic models for analyzing cross-sectional time series data (fixed-effects model, random-effects model, and Pooled regression model). The research reached a set of results stating that there is an inverse and significant relationship between the ratio of financial leverage and the ratio of quick liquidity in the studied banks, which means that with the increased attractiveness of the studied banks to more deposits and the high degree of financial leverage in them, it did not work to increase the rates of quick liquidity enough to cover the liquidity risk that these banks may be exposed to, in order to achieve more profits and increase the level of profitability as one of the main objectives of the bank.
The objective of this study is to assess the reality of the professional commitment of the employees in the private commercial banks in lattakia Governorate, The researchers identified three types of functional commitment, which included both Affecti ve commitment, Continuance commitment, and Normative commitment. The researchers distributed a questionnaire to a random sample of 77 workers. Each questionnaire included 24 phrases that measured the three types of commitment. They calculated the Cronbach's Alpha coefficient to measure the stability of the scale, The t-test was used for one sample to test the hypotheses, The researchers found results showing high degrees of functional commitment of all three types, but at varying degrees, where the mean of the responses on the expressions that measured the three types of commitment was Greater than the mean neutrality of the scale.
The research aims at studying the extent of commercial banks' commitment to the dimensions of social responsibility (legal, economic, moral, humanitarian). The research adopted a descriptive approach, Also the research community included all workers in the public and private commercial banks in the governate of Latakia, and of approximately (671) workers. The sample size was determined based on the statistical sample law, which has reached (244) workers and it has been distributed using the proportional distribution between public and private banks. The questionnaires were distributed to the employees, and (230) questionnaire were returned with a response rate (94.26%). Using statistical methods the results were as the following: *Commercial banks in the governate of Latakia are highly committed to dimensions of social responsibility, legal, economic, moral. The relative importance of the moral dimension is(71.88%), (77.68%) for the economic dimension, and (74.04%) for the moral dimension. *Commercial banks in Latakia governate is moderately committed to the humanitarian dimension of responsibility with the relative importance of (57.92%). *Public and private commercial banks do not differ in the degree of commitment to the dimensions of social responsibility: legal, economic, moral, and humanitarian.
The study aims to study the availability of the dimensions of organizational intelligence in the private insurance companies in the Syrian coast, and study the nature and strength of the relationship between the dimensions of organizational intellige nce and performance. To achieve this, three hypotheses were formulated. The researcher used the questionnaire technique to collect the data analyzed using statistical tests, the most important of which were: the one-sample T. test, the Pearson Correlation test, and the simple regression test. The researcher found several results, the most important of which is: Organizational intelligence in the studied companies is well evaluated, there is a positive relationship between the dimensions of organizational intelligence and performance, and there is a statistically significant effect of organizational intelligence on performance in the companies under study.

الأسئلة المقترحة

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