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Evaluating The Status Of Employment Commitment In Private Commercial Banks /A field study in the branches of private Syrian commercial banks in Lattakia/

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 نشر من قبل جامعة تشرين مقالة
 تاريخ النشر 2018
  مجال البحث اقتصاد
والبحث باللغة العربية
 تمت اﻹضافة من قبل امانة التحرير مجلة جامعة تشرين

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The objective of this study is to assess the reality of the professional commitment of the employees in the private commercial banks in lattakia Governorate, The researchers identified three types of functional commitment, which included both Affective commitment, Continuance commitment, and Normative commitment. The researchers distributed a questionnaire to a random sample of 77 workers. Each questionnaire included 24 phrases that measured the three types of commitment. They calculated the Cronbach's Alpha coefficient to measure the stability of the scale, The t-test was used for one sample to test the hypotheses, The researchers found results showing high degrees of functional commitment of all three types, but at varying degrees, where the mean of the responses on the expressions that measured the three types of commitment was Greater than the mean neutrality of the scale.

ملخص البحث
تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى تقييم واقع الالتزام الوظيفي لدى العاملين في المصارف التجارية الخاصة في محافظة اللاذقية. حدد الباحثان ثلاثة أنواع من الالتزام الوظيفي: الالتزام العاطفي، الالتزام المستمر، والالتزام المعياري. تم توزيع استبانة على عينة عشوائية من 77 عاملاً، تضمنت 24 عبارة لقياس الأنواع الثلاثة من الالتزام. استخدم الباحثان معامل ألفا كرونباخ لاختبار ثبات المقياس، واختبار t لعينة واحدة لاختبار الفرضيات. أظهرت النتائج وجود مستويات عالية من الالتزام الوظيفي بأنواعه الثلاثة، ولكن بدرجات متفاوتة، حيث كان متوسط الإجابات على العبارات التي تقيس أنواع الالتزام الثلاثة أكبر من متوسط الحياد للمقياس. خلصت الدراسة إلى أن الالتزام العاطفي كان الأعلى بين الأنواع الثلاثة، يليه الالتزام المستمر، ثم الالتزام المعياري. وأوصى الباحثان بوضع خطط واستراتيجيات لتعزيز الالتزام الوظيفي، مثل تحسين العلاقات الاجتماعية بين العاملين، وزيادة فرص التدريب، وتطوير نظم الحوافز بما يتناسب مع الظروف المعيشية.
قراءة نقدية
دراسة نقدية: تعتبر هذه الدراسة خطوة مهمة في فهم الالتزام الوظيفي في المصارف التجارية الخاصة في محافظة اللاذقية، ولكن هناك بعض النقاط التي يمكن تحسينها. أولاً، حجم العينة صغير نسبياً (77 عاملاً) مما قد يؤثر على تعميم النتائج. ثانياً، الدراسة اعتمدت بشكل كبير على الاستبيانات، والتي قد تكون عرضة للتحيزات الذاتية. كان من الأفضل تضمين مقابلات أو ملاحظات ميدانية للحصول على صورة أكثر شمولاً. ثالثاً، لم تتناول الدراسة تأثير العوامل الخارجية مثل الأوضاع الاقتصادية والسياسية على الالتزام الوظيفي، وهو ما قد يكون له تأثير كبير في السياق السوري الحالي. وأخيراً، كان من المفيد مقارنة النتائج مع دراسات مشابهة في دول أخرى للحصول على فهم أعمق للموضوع.
أسئلة حول البحث
  1. ما هي الأنواع الثلاثة للالتزام الوظيفي التي تم تحديدها في الدراسة؟

    الأنواع الثلاثة للالتزام الوظيفي هي: الالتزام العاطفي، الالتزام المستمر، والالتزام المعياري.

  2. ما هو حجم العينة التي استخدمها الباحثان في الدراسة؟

    حجم العينة التي استخدمها الباحثان هو 77 عاملاً.

  3. ما هي الأداة الرئيسية التي استخدمها الباحثان لجمع البيانات؟

    الأداة الرئيسية التي استخدمها الباحثان لجمع البيانات هي الاستبانة.

  4. ما هي التوصيات التي قدمها الباحثان لتحسين مستوى الالتزام الوظيفي؟

    التوصيات تشمل وضع خطط واستراتيجيات لتعزيز الالتزام الوظيفي، تحسين العلاقات الاجتماعية بين العاملين، زيادة فرص التدريب، وتطوير نظم الحوافز بما يتناسب مع الظروف المعيشية.

المراجع المستخدمة
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قيم البحث

اقرأ أيضاً

Loan portfolios occupies an important position within the balance sheet of commercial banks, considering that the efforts and decisions of management aim primarily at building a good loan portfolios, that achieve high returns for banks at the lowest levels of risks. The research aims to assess the extent of compliance to the theoretical, scientific and practical principles in the composition of loan portfolios of the public and private commercial banks in the Syrian Coast: the principle of diversification; principle of relevance ;the criteria for granting credit; and Advanced Capital Adequacy Framework–Basel II. The research aims to draw important conclusions and recommendations to help Syrian commercial banks(public and private) in reducing credit risk.
The research aims at studying the extent of commercial banks' commitment to the dimensions of social responsibility (legal, economic, moral, humanitarian). The research adopted a descriptive approach, Also the research community included all workers in the public and private commercial banks in the governate of Latakia, and of approximately (671) workers. The sample size was determined based on the statistical sample law, which has reached (244) workers and it has been distributed using the proportional distribution between public and private banks. The questionnaires were distributed to the employees, and (230) questionnaire were returned with a response rate (94.26%). Using statistical methods the results were as the following: *Commercial banks in the governate of Latakia are highly committed to dimensions of social responsibility, legal, economic, moral. The relative importance of the moral dimension is(71.88%), (77.68%) for the economic dimension, and (74.04%) for the moral dimension. *Commercial banks in Latakia governate is moderately committed to the humanitarian dimension of responsibility with the relative importance of (57.92%). *Public and private commercial banks do not differ in the degree of commitment to the dimensions of social responsibility: legal, economic, moral, and humanitarian.
This paper deals with the role of marketing in the banking system to increase the competitiveness of the Syrian commercial banks through the study of the relationship between each of the (banking services, pricing, promotion and distribution) and inc reasing the competitiveness of these banks. As well as the study of the difference between the commercial banks in the public and private use of the elements of the marketing mix banking. The research on the descriptive approach, and included the research community all employees in commercial banks, public and private in the Syrian coast, totaling (527) factor, were distributed (222) identification of the workers have been identified using the law of the sample statistical re-ones (204) questionnaire response rate (91.89%), and the questionnaires were distributed between the (129) questionnaire for public banks, and (75) the identification of the private banks. And using appropriate statistical methods was reached the following results: There is a direct correlation and acceptable significant correlation between the use of a combination of banking services in the commercial banks and their ability to compete in the banking market. The existence of a positive relationship and a weak significant differences between the use of each of (the pricing of banking services, the promotion of banking services, distribution services, banking) in commercial banks and their ability to compete in the banking market.The lack of significant differences between public and private banks in the use of the elements of the marketing mix banking (banking services, pricing, promotion, distribution) to enhance their competitiveness in the banking market.
The research aimed to identifying the relationship between the use of information technology and enhance of market share in Syrian commercial Banks. By identifying the extent of the impact of each dimensions of information technology, by determining the extent to which both the information technology dimensions and the basic requirements of the application of information technology affect market share, the researchers relied on the prescriptive approach and the descriptive approach as a general approach to research, the questionnaire was distributed to 250 senior management in public and private commercial banks, and this study concluded several results, the most important of which was a moral relationship between the use of information technology and the market share, and this relationship is acceptable and positive, and is due to the lack of human resource skills and modern material components, especially in senior management, the researchers have reviewed many important results and made several suggestions and recommendations, the most important of which was the need to develop an appropriate strategy for the use of information technology supporting its operations within the overall strategy of the bank and following up on its implementation and evaluation in order to achieve the basic objectives of the Bank.
Technological vigilance refers to the search for technological information, constant monitoring of technological changes, the prediction and intelligent control of them before they reach competitors, the questioning of competitors' behavior, technolo gical innovations, the control of business strategies, the knowledge of new consumer desires, In order to have a competitive position in a complex and rapidly changing environment and superior to competitors. The study aims to study the relationship between technological vigilance and competitive advantage in the Syrian private commercial banks, which relate to the following dimensions (cost, flexibility, quality). In order to achieve this, a basic hypothesis has been formulated, with three sub-hypotheses. The researcher used the questionnaire method to collect the data analyzed using statistical tests, the most important of which are the one-sample T. test and the Pearson Correlation. The researcher reached several results, the most important of which is: a strong positive relationship between technological vigilance and competitive advantage in Syrian private commercial banks.

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