يتحدث هذا الملف عن طرق زراعة واستغلال النباتات الطبية والعطرية في بواحات عين صالح في الجنوب الجزائري. يتم تقديم معلومات مفصلة حول أنواع النباتات التي يتم زراعتها في هذه المنطقة، وكيفية استخدامها في الطب والصناعة.
تشير الصفحات المذكورة إلى أساليب مختلفة لزراعة هذه النباتات، بما في ذلك استخدام الماء والمطارفة والبرك. كما يتضمن الملف معلومات حول التسويق لهذه المحاصيل، بما في ذلك تحديد أسواق جديدة لزيادة فرص التسويق.
إلى جانب ذلك، يشير الملف إلى أهمية حفظ هذه الأصناف من خلال تقييم فعالية هذه النباتات التي تزرع بطرق طبيعية تحت أشعة الشمس قصد تقييم كامل لأثر هذه الزراعة على البيئة.
يمكن استخدام هذا الملف كمصدر للمعلومات لأولئك الذين يرغبون في تعلم المزيد عن زراعة النباتات الطبية والعطرية في بواحات عين صالح، سواء كانوا مزارعين أو باحثين أو مهتمين
This file talks about the methods of cultivation and exploitation of medicinal and aromatic plants in the oases of Ain Salah in southern Algeria. Detailed information is provided about the types of plants that are cultivated in this region, and how they are used in medicine and industry.
The listed pages refer to different methods of growing these plants, including the use of water, mulching, and ponding. The file also includes information about the marketing of these crops, including the identification of new markets to increase marketing opportunities.
In addition, the file indicates the importance of preserving these varieties by evaluating the effectiveness of these plants that are grown naturally under the sun's rays in order to fully assess the impact of this cultivation on the environment.
This file can be used as a source of information for those who want to learn more about the cultivation of medicinal and aromatic plants in the oases of Ain Saleh, whether they are farmers, researchers or interested
References used
Jean Hess, 1897, L'extrême-sud algérien et le Touat. In: Annales de Géographie. t. 6, n°26. pp. 147-168. p160
In this research, we dealt with the study of medicinal and aromatic plants and methods of their use in medication, where the research was divided into three chapters. The third chapter deals with the history of herbal treatment and the most important
This study aims to inventory the medicinal plants in Jabal al-Wahsh forest and to find out the extent of people's interest in medicinal and aromatic plants.
In our study, we relied on two types of interrogations, the first directed at the general pu
The medicinal and aromatic plants (thyme Khalili) is one of important economic
crops were introduced to the Syrian Agriculture recently "as one of the most important
alternative crops, especially" in the coastal region, The goal of research is to c
Ten medicinal plants were chosen from various plants in Syria which
used as spices or cooked and Syria traditional medicine. Their names
Rosemary, Damask rose, Chamomile, Sumac, Silver linden, Black
cumin, Thyme, Mint, Laurel and lemon balm.
Husbandry of the medicinal and aromatic plants in general and “Rosemary” in
particular is considered of the alternative economical husbandry that flourished recently in
Syria due to the availability of the natural and environmental conditions there