أجريت الدراسة على ثمانية عشر جدياً من الماعز الشامي بمركز البحوث العلمية الزراعية بحماه وتراوحت أعمارها بين 140-160 يوماً ، ومتوسط أوزانها23،2كغ، وقد وزعت إلى ثلاث مجموعات متساوية (6جدايا في كل مجموعة) تبعاً لمصدر البروتين الداخل في تركيب العليقة وتغذت كل منها على كسبة قطن غير مقشورة 100% للمجموعة الأولى وكسبة فول الصويا 100% للمجموعة الثانية وكسبة قطن غير مقشورة 50% وكسبة فول الصويا 50% للمجموعة الثالثة، جمعت عينات دم من الوريد الوداجي من جدايا التجربة جميعها قبل بدء التغذية على الخلطات العلفية واعتبرت كشاهد ثم بعد شهر وشهرين وثلاثة أشهر. تم تحليل عينات دم الجدايا في كل المجموعات ودرست مؤشرات الغلوكوز والبروتين العام والألبومين والغلوبولين بمصل الدم وذلك لتقييم استقلاب الطاقة والبروتين للجدايا عند التغذية على هذه العلائق.
أظهرت النتائج ارتفاع معنوي بتركيز الغلوكوز بعد شهرين من التجربة لدى المجموعات الثلاث وكان الأعلى لدى المجموعة الثانية مقابل الشاهد والمجموعتين الأولى والثالثة، ثم انخفض تركيزه بشكل غير معنوي بعد الشهر الثالث. وجد ارتفاع معنوي بتركيز البروتين العام بمصل الدم بعد شهر عند جدايا المجموعات الثلاث، ثم انخفض تركيزه بشكل معنوي في دم جدايا المجموعة الثانية والثالثة بعد ثلاثة أشهر مقابل المجموعة الأولى والشاهد. انخفض تركيز الألبومين بعد شهرين معنوياً لدى جدايا المجموعة الأولى مقابل جدايا المجموعتين الثانية والثالثة والشاهد وكذلك بعد ثلاثة أشهر معنوياً عند جدايا المجموعتين الأولى والثالثة مقابل المجموعة الثانية والشاهد. ارتفع تركيز الغلوبولين معنوياً بمصل الدم بعد شهر لدى جدايا المجموعات الثلاث بالمقارنة مع الشاهد، وبالشهر الثاني انخفض بشكل غير معنوي لدى المجموعات الثلاث ثم انخفض معنوياً تركيزه بعد ثلاثة أشهر لدى المجموعتين الثانية والثالثة. كانت الزيادة الكلية في اوزان الجدايا لمدة90 يوم: المجموعة الأولى 9،45كغ(95غ/يومياً)، المجموعة الثانية 13.6كغ(136غ/يومياً) والمجموعة الثالثة 10،45كغ (106غ/يومياً). نستنتج أن المؤشرات الاستقلابية للطاقة والبروتين كانت الأفضل لدى جدايا المجموعة الثانية وينعكس ايجابياً على الناحية الاقتصادية وتحسين الدخل.
The study was conducted on 18 Shami goat Kids in the Agricultural Scientific Research Center in Hama, their age was 150 days, to ages and weights, reaching an average of 23.2kg, and they were dived into three groups(6 per group) depending on the source of the protein included in the composition. The died for each of them 14%(as a 100% unshelled cotton gain for the first group, 100% soybean gain for the second group, a 50% unpeeled cotton gain and 50% soybean gain for the third group). Blood samples from the jugular vein were collected from all test subjects before starting feeding on the feed. Watch after one, two and three months from the start of feeding. Gifts blood samples were analyzed in all groups and a study of the indicators of glucose, general protein, albumin and globulin in blood serum to assess the energy and protein metabolism of gifts, when feeding on these diets. The results showed a significant increase (ᴘ≤0.05) in the concentration of glucose in gifts after two months of experience in the three groups, but this was the highest increase in the second group versus the control and the first and third groups, then its concentration decreased after that. A significant increase (ᴘ≤0.05) was observed with the concentration of the total protein in the blood serum after a month of the experiment. The total protein concentration decreased after three months in the blood kids in second and third groups compared with the first and control groups. The albumin concentration decreased after two months (ᴘ≤0.05) in the first group compared with second, third and control, also it's decreased after three months in the first and third groups compared with the second and control. The globulin concentration in the blood serum increased after one month in the three groups compared with the control, then in two months decreased( not significant) in the three groups, and after three months decreased (ᴘ≤0.05) the globulin concentration in the second and third groups.The increase in the weights of gift items in the groups was respectively: the first group 9.45kg (95g ∕ day), the second group 13.6kg (136g ∕day) and the third group 10.45kg (106g ∕day). We conclude that the energy and protein metabolic indicators were the best in the second group feeding 100% soybean meal as a protein source, which can reduce the period for fattening gifts and reflect positively on economic side and income generation.
References used
Zubcic, D., (2011): Some biochemical parameters in the blood of grazing German improved fawn goats from Istria, Croatia. Vet. Archive, 71, 237-244.
Zanker, IA.; Hammon, H.M.; Blum, J.M., (2001): Delayed feeding of first colostrum's are there prolonged effects on hematological, metabolic and endocrine parameters and on growth performance in calves. J. Physiology Anim.Nutr, 85, 53-66.
The aim of this investigation was to prepare mortadella from Awas meat by
adding different amounts of soya meal (i.e.15%, 20% and 25%), and
comparing it with standard (no soya added) one. Other additives were also
incorporated with fixed amounts f
The research was carried out in Karahta Research Station for Shami goats
by using 84/head/Shami kids (122±18.65 days old and 18±3.77 kg body weight).
This trial continued for a 90 day period. Its goal was to find out the possibility
of reducing th
This study was conducted in privatefarm, using a group of 24 Kids.
the kids were from a twin born and selected directly after weaning.
The Kids were randomally divide into 4 groups and subjected to
similar environmental and nutritional conditions.
The adopted hygienic programme was implemented.
This study was conducted in the laboratories of the Faculty of Science In the spring
on 2013, after being subjected to gavage for 4 weeks through a standard diet supplemented
fat by 3% to two groups (6animales per group) the experimental group beca
This study was carried out at Hamah Research Centre during 2014/ 2015 season
on Shami goat flock (25 heads) in late pregnancy to determine some indicators of
pregnancy toxemia in Shami goat. The blood samples were taken from both groups
at differe