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تأثير إضافة جريش الفول المعامل حراريا في بعض المؤشرات الإنتاجية والفيزيولوجية لفروج التسمين

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 Publication date 2013
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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No English abstract

References used
موسى أمين عبود (1995) - تغذية دواجن - منشورات جامعة حلب - الجزء النظري
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أجريت هذه الدراسة على 800 بيضة أخذت من قطيع أمهات دجاج اللحم من الهجين التجاري (روس) بعمر 7-8 أشهر وقسم البيض حسب الورزن إلى مجموعتين (45-55) غ و (56-65)غ
The research was carried out on 1774 chicks of sexual separate chicken from the hybrid Hibrd. The chicks were distributed into five groups, every group contained three repelications, and the chicks were fattened until the age of six weeks. The pro gram of feeding and sex was as the following in every group: The first group /control/: Its birds were both male and female /not sexual separate fattening/, they were fed on three vegetal mixtures according to age stages. The second group: Its birds were only male, and it was fed on three vegetal mixtures according to age stages /the mixtures of control group /. The third group: Its birds were only female, and it was fed on three vegetal mixtures according to age stages /the mixtures of control group/. The fourth group: Its birds were only male, it was fed according to age stages on three vegetal mixtures, which were distinguished by there high content of metabolic energy and raw protein, with comparison between them and the mixtures of control group. The fifth group: Its birds were only female, it was fed on three vegetal mixtures, according to age stages, which were distinguished by there low content of metabolic energy and raw protein with comparison between them and the mixtures of control group.
أجري هذه البحث بهدف معرفة تاثير إضافة الأحماض الدبالية مثل حمضا ( الهيوميم والفولفيك ) في الخلطات العلفية للفروج في الكفاءة الإنتاجية

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