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تأثير طول فترة تخزين بيض التفريخ في بعض المؤشرات الإنتاجية لفروج التسمين ( الهجين روس )

784   3   0   0.0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2011
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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No English abstract

References used
زكريا عبد الحميد (1992) الجنين - منشورات كلية الزراعة جامعة دمشق
rate research

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أجري البحث في مدجنة خاصة تقع في المدينة الصناعية على بعد حوالي 10 كم من مدينة دير الزور وقد ربيت الطيور بعمر واحد وحتى ست أسابيع
This study was conducted in Tartus cattle station, on 14 Holishtain-Frisian calves at the weaning age (12 weeks) in order to evaluate the effect of Methionine addition on the productive parameters. The calves were divided in three groups, the first one was considered as a control, the second was fed on milk with 0.2% methionine, whereas the third one on milk with 0.4% methionine. The results showed that the Methionine addition to the diet of calves during the weaning period, increased the daily growth rate after weaning, so this increase was 14%. Our results also showed that the addition of Methionine improved the feed conversion ratio after weaning.
The research was carried out on 1774 chicks of sexual separate chicken from the hybrid Hibrd. The chicks were distributed into five groups, every group contained three repelications, and the chicks were fattened until the age of six weeks. The pro gram of feeding and sex was as the following in every group: The first group /control/: Its birds were both male and female /not sexual separate fattening/, they were fed on three vegetal mixtures according to age stages. The second group: Its birds were only male, and it was fed on three vegetal mixtures according to age stages /the mixtures of control group /. The third group: Its birds were only female, and it was fed on three vegetal mixtures according to age stages /the mixtures of control group/. The fourth group: Its birds were only male, it was fed according to age stages on three vegetal mixtures, which were distinguished by there high content of metabolic energy and raw protein, with comparison between them and the mixtures of control group. The fifth group: Its birds were only female, it was fed on three vegetal mixtures, according to age stages, which were distinguished by there low content of metabolic energy and raw protein with comparison between them and the mixtures of control group.
أجريت هذه الدراسة في مبقرة طرطوس لدراسة إمكانية استخدام الحمض الأميني الميثيونين أثناء فترة الفطام والتي تعتبر مرحلة حساسة جداً للعجول حيث يتحول فيها من حيوان وحيدة المعدة الى حيوان مجتر
The research was carried out on two classes of hatching eggs obtained from broiler breeder flock ( shifer starbro- Hybird ) 39 and 59 wk of age . In each class the hatching eggs were graded into three groups according to their weights. The hatchi ng eggs of each group were divided into three replicates . Eggs of all replicates were incubated in the same incubator . At hatching (115) chicks were taken from each replicate and fed in separate pen until 7 weeks of age . All conditions of housing, rearing and feeding ( vegetable diets ) were same for all birds of all replications.

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