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التعبير عن البروتين المضفر في فيروس التهاب الكبد البائي وقيمته التنبؤية المتوقعة في تقدير إنذار التهاب الكبد البائي المزمن

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 Publication date 2013
  fields Pharmacy
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Baranova A. Lal P, Birerdinc A and Younossi ZM. Ivasive markers for hepatic fibrosis BMC Gastroenterol 2011
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The possible correlation between HLA system and various course of hepatitis B has been studied in 346 subjects: 277 normal subjects, 27 HBsAg+ patients, 21 post hepatitis B liver cirrhosis patients, and 21 liver cirrhosis without previous HBV infe ction patients. Increased frequencies of A23, B21, B51 found in HBsAg+, A28, B55 in post HBV cirrhosis, and higher frequency of B35 in normal subjects.
Several studies and reports have indicated the prevalence of hepatitis D virus infection in many parts of the world at different rates , Ranging from areas of epidemiological and areas with a low prevalence of it. Till now there is no study in Syr ia shows us the prevalence of viruse Delta in chronic hepatitis B patients . The aim of our study was to determine the current prevalence of hepatitis D in chronic hepatitis B patients . And to take appropriate measures in dealing with these patients due to the increased risk of liver disease in the event of injury by it . 77 patients with chronic hepatitis B certainly proved with PCR analysis 25 women and 52 men visiting the center of hepatitis in Latakia were tested for antibody to hepatitis D virus (anti-HDV) by ELISA test . The results indicate a positive antibody in three patients (women and 2 men) and the prevalence was 3.8% , which point to a moderate prevalence of hepatitis D comparing with neighboring countries.
Hepatitis C is affected by human behaviors especially drugs , diets ,activities smoking , sexy behaviors and alcohol , so it is very important to change health behaviors by patient to control of disease and avoid complications . Objective : to ass ess the effects of health behaviors on liver function among hepatitis C patients .Setting :The study was carried out in the Chronic Liver Hepatitis Center in Alwatany hospitalization in Lattakia province.Subjects::Thesample comprised 40 patients chosen randomly from the two genders who have hepatitis C out in the chronic liver hepatitis center in Alwatany hospitalization in Lattakia province during the research time. Tool :Data were collected using the following tools:Tool I Questionnaire: It was developed by the researcher and include items related to: demographic patients data , clinical data , questions about ( patients , information of disease , risk factors, healthy behaviors : (diet – treatment regimens – activities and habits)) Tool II : Liver function assessment sheet by using Child Pugh scale.Tool III :Patientcompliance check list which include questions about line has been developed by the researcherThe patients participated in 3 sessions .Each session (45minutes).Results: liver function were advanced of patient at the experimental group which applied the guide line more than patient at the control group because of Appling guide line .Recommendations : Chronic Liver Hepatitis Centers have been containing proshorsshow the impact of these health behaviors on the liver work and performing their functions as normal.
إنّ الهدف الأساسي من هذا البحث : هو تحديد العلامات الجينية لفيروس الالتهاب الكبدي الوبائي (B ) يسمى اختصارا ً ب (HBV ) والذي يكون مرتبط بشكل رئيسي بسرطان الكبد (HCC) وذلك عن طريق ميّزة استخراج المعلومات المفيدة من البيانات كبيرة الحجم التي تمثل العنصر الرئيسي في مجال المعلوماتيّة الحيويّة Bioinformatics وبشكل رئيسي يتم ذلك من تطوير فكرة مقارنة سلاسل DNA الكاملة ل HBV مع السلاسل الموجودة لدى المرضى الذين يعانون من السرطان الكبدي الوبائي و كذلك المرضى اللذين لا يعانون منه . إنّ إطار التنقيب عن البيانات data mining framework (الذي نقصد به ِ؛ جمع وتحليل كميّات كبيرة من البيانات لإيجاد علاقة منطقية فيما بينها بحيث تلخّص هذه البيانات بطريقة جيّدة ) يتضمن تحليل التطور الجيني molecular evolution analysis وعملية العنقدة clustering و feature selection وتعليم المصنف classifier learning وعملية التصنيف classification حيثُ سيتم توضيح كيفيّة توظيفها جميعا ً في هذا البحث.
This Study was designed to evaluate the effects of Aloe vacillans leaves juice on carbon tetrachloride CCl4- induced hepatotoxicity in rats. Hepatotoxicity was induced in rats by intraperitoneal (i.p) injection of CCl4 (1ml/kg) of body weight every 72h during ethanolic extract of Aloe vacillans leaves were administrated at dose 250 mg/kg and 500 mg/kg of body weight pass orally (p.o) daily for 14 days. Twenty-four hours post-CCl4 treatment, blood samples were withdrawn through retro orbital sinus.The hepatotoxicity and its prevention was assessed by serum parameters like alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), total protein (T.P) and albumin (ALB).
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