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ألفاظ الحضارة في رحلات المسعودي والمقدسي- دراسة لغوية دلالية -

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 Publication date 2019
  fields Arabic
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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الأضداد في اللغة , محمد حسين آل ياسين مطبعة المعارف بغداد ط1 . 1974
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تبحث الدراسة عن العناصر الجمالية لدمشق بوصفها مدينة تاريخية، و ما يتعلق بذلك من تفاصيل عنها و عن الحياة الشعبية فيها، و كل ما له أهمية خاصة مما انعكس في تجربة الفنانين التشكيليين، الذين كان لإبداعاتهم و نشاطاتهم و نداءاتهم، مع من معهم من المعماريي ن و الباحثين التاريخيين و المهتمين و المتفهمين من أولي الأمر ، قدر كبير من الأثر في مجال الحفاظ على معالمها و حمايتها من تعديات غير المدركين للقيمة الجمالية التي لاتتجزأ لشوارعها و أزقتها بكل ما تحتضنه من مساجد و عمارات و فسحات و أسواق و أبواب و خانات و بيوت و شرفات و مناهل و زخارف و ورود..الخ، أو غلبوا عليها نزعة الاستثمار و حاجة التوسع على القيمة التاريخية و الثقافية و الفنية التي لا توازنها حتى الغايات السياحية و الخدمية أو المرورية، حين يتطلب الأمر التغيير الكلي أو الجزئي لمعلم من المعالم و لن يكون التغيير مقبولا في حال من الأحوال إلا في إطار الترميمات المتخصصة، و التدعيمات الضرورية الحذرة للبيوت و الأبنية العامة و المنشآت الأخرى التي تحاكي تراثها و خصائصه الأسلوبية و التقنية.
This research aims at offering a comparative analysis of the “negative sentence” in the Semitic languages, Akkadian, Hebrew, Ugaritic and Arabic. The research proceeds from the linguistic use in Hamorabi's legislations, The Genesis, The Holy Quran, and The myth of Aqhat. The method used was examining these texts, following up the cases of agreement and disagreement in the syntactical functions of the negative particles. I tried in to clarify the effect of these particles in the time-meaning of the syntactical structure through the negative case of the nominal sentence, verbal sentence, and absolute negative. Then I presented the features of NOT, the oldest negative particle in these languages. This examination allowed the research to survey the cases of the negative sentence in the light of order and apocopation. It refers to the relation between exception and negative, negative and interrogation, negative and confirmation. It draws attention to the phonetic changes in the negative particles. As a conclusion the research states the linguistic study of the negative sentence is of the basic body of the language. It does not suffice to study the concept of the sentence as it is mentioned in the books of Arabic or Semitic syntax. The research proves that the comparative Semitic study endeavors to deep root the linguistic semantic study of the particles. It presents scientific explanation in phonetic, syntactical and morphological cases. The researcher is ushered to a wider space in the field of linguistic analysis of the structures in the Semitic sentence.
This research aims to shed light on the religious terminology in cuneiform texts Aloojarretah, and describes amethod and style formulated to serve the spiritual purpose of the desired included texts poetic mythology penned by writer and poet Aloojarreta in lyrics group in multi- religious events and periodic ritual.
This research entitled as The Imphications of The Named in Abdul Salam AL-Ojayli's Novels: A Semantic and Simiotic Study,discusses the possibility of applying semiotic methods in analyzing the names in novels.
Civilization is the outcome of the efforts of all nations without ethnic or sectarian conditions for their creation. The exchange and friction between these civilizations is through conquest, migration, trade and neighborliness. , And civilization in its essence, the sun with its lights bursting the fountain of light, and do not even weave the carpet with many hands, all provided by the light of energy, and all deserve praise and appreciation for it. The Islamic Arab civilization has risen since the advent of Islam, the ring of heavenly messages, a continuation and continuation of the ancient Arab civilization, which was the mother civilization of all civilizations, and the earth and its civilization, until it became the advancement of every aspect of life. The humanity that made peoples of different nationalities under its jurisdiction, and spread waves of cultural conquest to the most parts of the world.
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