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نظرية الانفجار العظيم بين الحقيقة والخيال

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 Publication date 2020
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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The metaphor is considered a deviation from the truth and this deviation does not mean breaking out of it, it is the conjunction of the sign with the signifier in a route that deviates from the truth and exceeds eloquence on it. The entire Arabic language moves within the framework of truth and metaphor, thus, gaining new flexibility and relations which could not be acceptable in the door of the truth without the metaphor. The metaphor approaches the language using the brevity approach and keep it away from the stuffing and undesirable prolonging.The semantic transformation acquired by language by metaphorical relationships is considered a reduced energy confirming the principle of customary union between the sign and the signifier. The metaphor combines words that cannot be collected, as it takes us from the meaning of the word on the meaning to the meaning of meaning on a broader meaning, then we move from small meaning spaces to large areas, and the advantage of metaphor in the language does not depend on that only, as his relationship also revolves in the orbit of brevity and contribute to maintain the integrity of poetic weight and legislate thecollection in places that require individual and vice versa,as well as other characteristics and features shown through discussion in the core of the research.
The contribution of relative light particles and relative neutrinos in the cosmic Omega-density parameter (W) was separately calculated based on the data of Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe. Also it has been shown that the effect of the relativ e particles circulating in the universe in Omega-density parameter is roughly equivalent to the effect of the Big Bang neutrinos in this parameter and the universe will remain in the vicinity of the critical situation.
This study tries to afford answers to a number of questions that arose concerning the causes and the consequences of the war. What is conspiracy theory? Is there a conspiracy on Syria? Where were the origins of conspiracy theory laid? What was the role that conspiracy played in the war on Syria? Could the war on Syria really be just a result of the conspiracy or were there additional eternal causes? The study concludes that:1. War on Syria was an inevitability that most, if not all, societies will arrive to.2. Creating “ Conspiracy theory” in Syria, is a Conspiracy itself. 3. Believing in Conspiracy is a significant goal of conspiracy itself. 4. Supporting a Conspiracy theory in Syria serves the great powers that invented the theory. 5. There is no metaphysical roots of Conspiracy but historical causes founded in the social and economic relations. 6. Regional and international powers put a further nail in the coffin of conspiracy on Syria.
لا تكاد تنفصل قضية (تداخل الأنواع) في الفكر النقدي _ في وجهٍ أساسي من وجوهها عن باقي المظاهر التي تجسد الطبيعة الجديدة و المتحولة لتطور الفكر الإنساني، إبان الانتقال من القرن العشرين إلى القرن الحادي و العشرين، تلك الطبيعة التي أخذت إرهاصاتها أشكالا ً أكثر فجاجةً و وضوحاً منذ العقد الأخير من القرن الماضي؛ فبدا واضحاً حينذاك أن حركة تطور المجتمعات _ و لاسيما المتقدمة منها _ تسعى إلى أن تتخفف _ بوعي أو من دون وعي _ من الشكل المعياري لأنظمة التفكير التي كانت سائدة من قبل؛ فتلقي عن كاهلها كل نظام يتطلب ضرباً من القواعد الصارمة _ بما في ذلك الأنظمة المقدسة _ و تتجه نحو الأنظمة الحرة غير المقيدة؛ و كأنها تعكس في جوهرها الداخلي: (ثورةً على سطوة القاعدة). و هذا يقتضي من الباحثين إعادة النظر في قضية تداخل الأنواع على ضوء انسجامها مع الثقافة العربية التي تقوم على نظام معياري.

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