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تداخل الأنواع بين القاعدة و الخرق (دراسة نظرية)

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 Publication date 2011
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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No English abstract

References used
بارت، رولان، درس السيميولوجيا، ترجمة: عبد السلام بن عبد العالي، دار . توبقال، الدار البيضاء، 1993
تودوروف، تزفيتان، مدخل إلى الأدب العجائبي، ترجمة: الصديق بو علام، دار . شرقيات، القاهرة، 1994
rate research

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This paper tries to examine the relationship between analogy and the grammatical rule. Analogy is one of the basic principles and bases of Arabic grammar during times of rule formation and judging it. Linguists were divided in their attitude to ana logy, with some supporting it and others against it. Grammarians were more inclined toward analogy than compilers, because grammarians’ research was based on the existing similarity between words, phrases, and style used in speech reported by tellers of what had been said by the Arabs. They based their rules and origins of analogy on that similarity. Analogists transliterated some foreign terms, Arabized, and derived new words out of them in a manner similar to that done with Arabic terms. However, some grammarians went very far in their excessive use of analogy to the extent that it becomes far removed from linguistic reality to be a form riddle and guessing, leading to reaction against analogy then against grammar. Analogy became an end in itself; it overlooked its original purpose; was then manifested in rule formation of words said spontaneously.
This study tries to afford answers to a number of questions that arose concerning the causes and the consequences of the war. What is conspiracy theory? Is there a conspiracy on Syria? Where were the origins of conspiracy theory laid? What was the role that conspiracy played in the war on Syria? Could the war on Syria really be just a result of the conspiracy or were there additional eternal causes? The study concludes that:1. War on Syria was an inevitability that most, if not all, societies will arrive to.2. Creating “ Conspiracy theory” in Syria, is a Conspiracy itself. 3. Believing in Conspiracy is a significant goal of conspiracy itself. 4. Supporting a Conspiracy theory in Syria serves the great powers that invented the theory. 5. There is no metaphysical roots of Conspiracy but historical causes founded in the social and economic relations. 6. Regional and international powers put a further nail in the coffin of conspiracy on Syria.
We study in this research one of the functional analysis problems,it is the inclusion of functional spaces. Especially we study the inclusion of spaces which branched form Holder spaces. Alsowe study the inclusion of spaces whichdepends in it definition onOrlicz and Lebesgue spaces and in anespecial case this space is generalization to them.
تهدف هذه الدراسة لتكون مدخلا تأصيليًا للدراسة المقارنة بين الفقه و القانون، مبنيًا على محاولة لبناء النظام القانوني على أساس من النظرة التي تدرس علاقة المكونات الثلاثة: العقل و الحس و الخبر، و تحلل المفاهيم الفقهية و القانونية بناء على تلك المعطيات لتصل إلى القواعد العملية التي يمكن بناء الفقه أو القانون عليها. و حسبي في هذه المقالة أني تعرضت لتعريف الحكم الشرعي و القاعدة القانونية، و استعرضت الخصائص العامة لهما، ثم بينت فكرة الإلزام و ما يتعلق بها، و أخيرًا استعرضت بالدراسة ذلك النوع من الحكم المسمى بالحكم الوضعي الذي لم ينل الاهتمام الكافي من النقاش.
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