أُجريت هذه الدراسة لتقييم الفعالية التثبيطية للمستخلصات المائية, الإيتانولية و الميتانولية لسوق, أزهار و ثمار نبات الصبار (Opuntia ficus-indica) بتراكيز (125, 250, 500, 1000) ملغ/مل إزاء عزلة من فطر Aspergillus niger و مقارنتها مع المحلول المائي للصاد الحيوي (الفلوكونازول) بتركيز 10 مكغ/مل. بينت الدراسة اختلاف فعالية المستخلصات المدروسة في قدرتها التثبيطية تجاه الفطر المدروس, حيث أظهر المستخلص الميتانولي للأزهار أعلى نسبة تثبيط (76.86,81.32 )% عند التركيزين (500,(1000 ملغ/مل على التتالي, تلاه المستخلص الميتانولي للساق بنسبة تثبيط بلغت (73.49, 76.14) % عند التركيزين السابقين, و من ثم المستخلص الإيتانولي للأزهار بنسبة تثبيط 40.96), (57.83 % عند ذات التركيزين السابقين, في حين بلغت نسبة تثبيط الفلوكونازول 65.66% عند التركيز المستخدم, بينما كانت المستخلصات المائية للأزهار, الثمار و الساق الأقل تأثيراً بنسب تثبيط بلغت على التتالي (36.74, 23.49, (12.53 % عند التركيز 1000 ملغ/مل.
This study was carried out to evaluate the inhibitory effect of aqueous, ethanolic and
methanolic extracts of the cladodes, flowers and fruits cactus plant (Opuntia ficus-indica)
with concentrations of (125, 250, 500, 1000) mg/ml against the isolation of Aspergillus
niger fungus and compared it with aqueous solution of antibiotic (fluconazole) at
concentration 10 μg/ml. The study showed a difference in efficacy of studied extracts in
inhibiting the growth of studied fungus, The methanolic extract of flowers showed higher
inhibiting ratios (76.86, 81.32) % at concentrations (500, 1000) mg/ml respectively,
followed by the methanolic extract of cladode by inhibiting ratios reached (73.49, 76.14) %
at the previous concentrations, then followed by the ethanolic extract of flowers by
inhibiting ratio (40.96, 57.83) % at the same of previous concentrations, while inhibiting
ratio of fluconazole reached 65.66% at the used concentration, whereas the aqueous
extracts of flowers, fruits and cladode had the lowest effect by inhibiting ratios reached
(36.74, 23.49, 12.53) % respectively at concentration 1000 mg/ml.
References used
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The research was carried out to evaluate the inhibitory efficacy of acetone, ethanol,
and chloroform of Evernia prunastri lichen with concentrations of (25, 50, 75, 100) mg/ml.
against three pathogenic species of Aspergillus sp. Which are: A. flavu
In this research was studied the effect of different concentrations of (ethanolic –
methanolic – acetonic) extracts of Apium nodiflorum on growth of fusarium moniliforme
all extracts revealed clear inhibitory effect against this Fungi.
The inhibit
This study was conducted to determine the effect of lichen Evernia
prunastri extracts (acetone, ethanol, and chloroform) against the two
species of plant pathogenic fungi were Fusarium oxysporum, F.solani.
All extracts showed has inhibition influence evident in the growth of
fungal and germination of spores of two compared to the control.
The antibacterial activity of Inula viscosa L. leaves extracts against some pathogenic bacteria, which were isolated from Al-Assad hospital laboratory in Lattakia, was tested by disc diffusion method.
Results showed that water extracts had antibacte
A Study was carried out to evaluate the ability of the methanolic, hydro and oily
extractions of anise seeds (Pimpinella anisum L.) to inhibit the growth of the pathogenic
fungi Fusarium oxysporum and Aspergillus niger. The results showed a good in