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Study the Convergence of Haar- Series with real monotone coefficients

دراسة تقارب متسلسلات هاآر ذات المعاملات المطردة الحقيقية

821   0   33   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2015
  fields Mathematics
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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In this work we study the convergence of Haar- Series with real monotone coefficients and find the sum of that series using the generalized liner summing mothed. For we use the special classes.

References used
BARY. N. K., 1961 – Trigonometric series. Moscow. Government Puplishing Hause. 201P
ZYGMUND. A., 1965 – Trigonometric series.. Vol. 1. Moscow Peace, 615P
NATANSON, E. P., 1972 – Theory of real variable functions. Moscow, 399P
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It is often useful to replace a function with a sequence of smooth functions approximating the given function to resolve minimizing optimization problems. The most famous one is the Moreau envelope. Recently the function was organized using the Br egman distance h D . It is worth noting that Bregman distance h D is not a distance in the usual sense of the term. In general, it is not symmetric and it does not satisfy the triangle inequality The purpose of the research is to study the convergence of the Moreau envelope function and the related proximal mapping depends on Bregman Distance for a function on Banach space. Proved equivalence between Mosco-epi-convergence of sequence functions and pointwise convergence of Moreau-Bregman envelope We also studied the strong and weak convergence of resolvent operators According to the concept of Bregman distance.
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