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عود الضمير و أثره في توجيه المعنى عند الثعالبي في تفسيره: (الجواهر الحسان في تفسير القرآن)

1314   2   103   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2015
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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This research invistigates Althaalbi explanation as well as the explanation of other interpretors in specifying the antecedent in some Quran Verses. The research introduces their arguments, discussions and studies after summerizing them. Finally, the research adopts one of the present opinions and provides the reasons for this selection.

References used
القرآن الكريم
إعراب القرآن, أبو جعفر النحاس, علق عليه: عبد المنعم خليل إبراهيم, بيروت, دار الكتب العلمية, 1421ه, ط1.
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There are many Qoranic interpretations that do not fulfill the objective conditions ,obviously many false ideas had been put into them . So we have to confront and clarify them for more knowledge. As many studies did ,but the originated researches are still relatively few . This research is basically done to put the out lines to differentiate between authorized and none authorized ideas in explaining the Holy Qoraan. . ..
This research dealt grammatically with Quranic readings in the book of ( Majma Al- Bayan in Tafsseer Al-Qwran ) for the Imam Tabarsi, who died in (548 AH) with a brief presentation of the views of grammarians and Interpreters in the studied verses.
Arabic grammar has origins and rules that grammarians have worked out and adjusted. This research deals with an issue of Arabic grammar which is the issue of 'Appreciation'. This research seeks mainly to clarify the concept of appreciation and how grammarians defined it.
يعد الإمام عبد الحميد الفراهي الهندي [ ١٢٨٠هـ / ١٣٤٩هـ] أحد العلماء المبرزين فـي علوم القرآن و العربية و هو ابن خال علاّمة الشرق و مؤرخ الإسلام الشيخ شبلي النعماني (ت ١٣٣٢هـ ). كان رحمه االله تعالى آية من آيات االله في حدة الذهن ، و كثرة الفضل ، و سعة العلم ، و دماثة الخلق ، و سداد الرأي ، و الزهد في الدنيا ، و الرغبة في طلب مرضاة االله.
Some commentators were not satisfied with interpreting the Qur’anic verses and explaining the rulings and lessons deduced from them. Rather, they added to that by parsing the Holy Qur’an and citing the readings and syntactic directives in the verses, and deposited in its interpretation many grammatical and morphological issues, and collected a number of grammarians’ sayings and their differences according to their schools and doctrines.
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