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Total Gas Pressure Dependence on operation time for Self-Quenching Geiger-Mueller Counters

تابعية الضغط الكلي للغاز في عدادات GM ذاتية الإخماد لزمن التشغيل

586   0   9   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2016
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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In this research, we have derived an analytical equation gives dependency of the total gas pressure to operation time for halogen self-quenched GM counter tubes and organic vapor or gas selfquenched GM counter tubes. This equation indicates that the gas pressure exponentially decreases as the operation time increases, at constant temperature of tube and constant activity that this tube exposed to.

References used
(S. A. Korff, W. Spatz, and N. Hilberry, Rev. Sci. inst. 13, 127 (1942
Herbert Fridman, Geiger Counter Tubes, PROCEEDINGS OF THE I.R.E.— Waves and Electrons Section, 791-808 July,1949
rate research

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In this research, we derived a non–paralyzable dead time equation shows the relation between the dead time and those factors. This equation shows the dead time as function of the applied voltage, pressure, temperature, dimensions of counter tube and type of the gas.
A model has been developed for optimal reservoir operation system of Alfatha dam upstream Samerra Barrage which is considered as a strategic node in the Tigris river system in Iraq. This model is based on combining an optimization dynamic programmi ng model with a flood routing simulation model within an optimal control framework. The predictive reservoir operation method provides optimal time operation of flood control system with incorporation of current and predicted flood wave. The model utilizes a dynamic programming with successive algorithm, interacting with hydrologic routing method. From the developed optimization model connected with the hydrologic routing model analyses of a number of predicted flood waves of Tigris river released from Mosul dam, Greater Zab and Dokan dam on the Lesser Zab have been accomplished. It was concluded that the optimal maximum operation water level in the reservoir of proposed Alfatha dam realized that all the hydraulic topographic and design constraints were 164 m.a.s.l. for the two depended predicted operation scenarios of the reservoir. While a maximum water level of 165 m.a.s.l. is the optimal operation level for the worst operation scenario of the reservoir. This operation scenario is recommended in the future hydraulic design of the Alfatha dam.
The aim of this paper is to present a recent experimental investigation of the wall pressure distribution observed during the emptying of a modeling silo, with and without, inserts, for three different heights hi of the insert base above the hopper outlet. The experiments were carried out with corn, at the concrete lab. in faculty of civil engineering in Damascus university in Syria. The results show that the upper-cone with downer-cone trunk insert had a strong influence on the pressures in the silo.
In supervised learning, a well-trained model should be able to recover ground truth accurately, i.e. the predicted labels are expected to resemble the ground truth labels as much as possible. Inspired by this, we formulate a difficulty criterion base d on the recovery degrees of training examples. Motivated by the intuition that after skimming through the training corpus, the neural machine translation (NMT) model knows'' how to schedule a suitable curriculum according to learning difficulty, we propose a self-guided curriculum learning strategy that encourages the NMT model to learn from easy to hard on the basis of recovery degrees. Specifically, we adopt sentence-level BLEU score as the proxy of recovery degree. Experimental results on translation benchmarks including WMT14 English-German and WMT17 Chinese-English demonstrate that our proposed method considerably improves the recovery degree, thus consistently improving the translation performance.
Corrosion is the most important problem in the process of oil production, Its results are: sudden fracture, high economic cost and great loss in oil equipment. Appropriate solutions have been suggested to extend the life of facilities, and to avoid c orrosion phenomenon which may get the facility out of service, But, finding the main reasons causing this phenomenon, and studying the factors that contribute to increase or reduce the spread of corrosion requires more urgent attention. In this paper, the data of the pressure has been analyzed in three crude oil pipelines and focus was on the values during the days where changes were irregular. In the same period, the study of internal corrosion rate was being done, using weight loss method. It has been noticed that when the value of pressure is greater than 2 Mpa, the internal corrosion rate will be above the maximum. allowable limit which is 4 mil per year (MPY), while the internal corrosion rate will be within the acceptable range when the pressure is not greater than 1 Mpa.
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