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The use of Markov chains in studying the changes in index numbers for consumer prices in Syria

استخدام سلاسل ماركوف في دراسة تغيرات الأرقام القياسية لأسعار المستهلك في سورية

2623   2   109   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2017
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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We performed in this research forecast in the direction of the index numbers for consumer prices for ( food- clothes and shoes – education -health- transportation communications - housing water, electricity, gas and other fuel oils), by using Markov chains in estimating with dependence on monthly data were taken from the central bureau of statistics in Syria during the period (1/1/2010 , 31/12/2011) , So results were analyzed by calculating the vector of states probabilities in the moment 0 t and using it with matrix of transition probabilities states transition probability for forecasting in the vector of states probabilities on the long and short range for knowing the direction at which the index numbers may behave in the future. The most important results of the study were instability of the beam of the transition probabilities (high low stability) during the prediction period, as well as for the matrix of transition probabilities.

References used
Howard.R.H. (1971)" Dynamics probabilistic systems"vol1, John Wiley and sons New York, USA, 50
Bermant, M.A., Semeny, L.K. Sylicki, V.N., (1987)" mathematical models for educational playing" central of mathematical economy institute, 25
CAO, Lu ؛ZHOU, Xin. (2010): Impulse –Response function Analysis: An application to macroeconomic data of china . Hskolan Dalarna, June 2010, 1-25
rate research

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