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The international protection for outer space environment

الحمايّة الدّوليّة لبيئة الفضاء الخارجي

1272   3   124   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2016
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Human activity in exploitation and discover outer space caused transfer pollution phenomenon to this environment which become rich in various scientific, commercial, and civilization uses. International community be aware of necessity protection for this environment from surrounded pollution risks by many international treaties like Limited Test Ban Treaty of 1963 (Moscow convention), and risk convention use changes techniques in environment for military purpose or any other hostile purpose 1976 and international legal regime regulating environmental aspects of outer space. This treaties deal with outer space environment protection subject from pollution and necessity provide required protection for continuance outer activity. But this convention in spite of approval many legal regime regulating human activity in outer space . and if guarantee a kind of environmental protection for outer space but that does not cancel urgent needed to presence international process, care basically in environmental aspect related use this endangered environment in great risk maybe impede space the process should guarantee effective and adequate protection for environment to outer space and guarantee uses by perfect way which preserves environment and excluded pollution ghost .

References used
Dr. Diederiks – Verschoor. Dr. V. Kopal: An Introduction to Space Law, Third Revised Edition: Walters Kluwer, Kluwer Law International BV, The Netherland; 2008
Xue Hangin: Transboundary Damage in International Law, Cambridge University Press, New York, United States of America, 2009
Eliene M. Galloway: Article IX of the Outer Space Treaty, Data Sharing and Space Situational Awareness, Theresa Hitchens Director, UNIDIR, Dec. 2, 2010, P. 4, available at: www.spacelaw.olemiss.edulevents/pdfs/2010/gal/oway-hitchenspresentation - 2010-pdf
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Abstract Most combinations of NLP tasks and language varieties lack in-domain examples for supervised training because of the paucity of annotated data. How can neural models make sample-efficient generalizations from task--language combinations with available data to low-resource ones? In this work, we propose a Bayesian generative model for the space of neural parameters. We assume that this space can be factorized into latent variables for each language and each task. We infer the posteriors over such latent variables based on data from seen task--language combinations through variational inference. This enables zero-shot classification on unseen combinations at prediction time. For instance, given training data for named entity recognition (NER) in Vietnamese and for part-of-speech (POS) tagging in Wolof, our model can perform accurate predictions for NER in Wolof. In particular, we experiment with a typologically diverse sample of 33 languages from 4 continents and 11 families, and show that our model yields comparable or better results than state-of-the-art, zero-shot cross-lingual transfer methods. Our code is available at
Natural language often exhibits inherent hierarchical structure ingrained with complex syntax and semantics. However, most state-of-the-art deep generative models learn embeddings only in Euclidean vector space, without accounting for this structural property of language. In this paper, we investigate text generation in a hyperbolic latent space to learn continuous hierarchical representations. An Adversarial Poincare Variational Autoencoder (APo-VAE) is presented, where both the prior and variational posterior of latent variables are defined over a Poincare ball via wrapped normal distributions. By adopting the primal-dual formulation of Kullback-Leibler divergence, an adversarial learning procedure is introduced to empower robust model training. Extensive experiments in language modeling, unaligned style transfer, and dialog-response generation demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed APo-VAE model over VAEs in Euclidean latent space, thanks to its superb capabilities in capturing latent language hierarchies in hyperbolic space.
يشمل الفضاء الطباعي "النَّصي" طريقة تصميم الغلاف, و وضع المطالع و الخواتيم, و تنظيم الفصول, و تشكيل العنوانات... و غيرها. و هو يفتح أفقاً تأويلياً للبحوث الأدبية, كهذا البحث الذي يحاول إظهار أهميَّة الأثر الكتابي من نوع الخط, و الألوان, و النسق التتا بعي, و البياض, و السواد, و تصميم الصفحة, في إذكاء خيال المتلقي. و يؤكد البحث أن عملية اختيار العنوان هي أعقل مرحلة يمر بها صاحب النَّص, و لقد احتلَّ مكانة خاصة في ساحات الإبداع الأدبي, مما جعل الحاجة ملحَّة لوضع علم خاص به, و مستقل, هو "علم العنونة". و يأتي هذا البحث بوصفه محاولة في قراءة كتاب "سيَّاف الزهور" لمحمد الماغوط باستخدام كل تلك الأدوات الإجرائية, مع محاولة التقيد بحدود ما تسمح به اللياقة الأدبيَّة, و المعرفة السليمة المبنيَّة على ما يقوله النَّص, فلا يجبره على ما ليس فيه.
The auditing profession is held to be important in society, due to the various services it provides for many parties ,through the vocational technical and neutral report of the external auditor of concerned financial data. Therefore ,he will be re sponsible towards those parties legally, professionally and morally ,and must act in accordance with professional work level (standards),and the rules and ethics of professional conduct. In Syria ,the checker works in the field of accounting and auditing ,according to Act no./33/ of 2009,issued by auditing and accounting council .The research aims to show the extent of the use of auditors in Syria of the international auditing standard no./570/related to the continuity of the establishment in its work ,and the presence of essential doubt in its capacity to continue and the suitability of these indicators with specified indicators in the above cited standard. This research work also aims to identify the additional audit procedures followed by the auditors in the event of the presence of certain circumstances that may affect the continuity of the business, and the suitability of these specific actions mentioned in the standard. The research found that the most important indicators that help auditors assess the continuity of the establishment, in case there is significant doubt about the ability of the establishment under consideration to continue, are as follows: the presence of frequent financial losses, an increase in current liabilities to current assets, delayed distribution of profits for a number of years. Thus, The most important additional audit procedures carried out by the auditors will be the analysis and discussion of cash flow and profits with the management.
How do people understand the meaning of the word small'' when used to describe a mosquito, a church, or a planet? While humans have a remarkable ability to form meanings by combining existing concepts, modeling this process is challenging. This paper addresses that challenge through CEREBRA (Context-dEpendent meaning REpresentations in the BRAin) neural network model. CEREBRA characterizes how word meanings dynamically adapt in the context of a sentence by decomposing sentence fMRI into words and words into embodied brain-based semantic features. It demonstrates that words in different contexts have different representations and the word meaning changes in a way that is meaningful to human subjects. CEREBRA's context-based representations can potentially be used to make NLP applications more human-like.
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