إنَّ ازدياد الطلب على الطاقة و المشاكل الناجمة عن تلوث البيئة أدى إلى التوجه لرفع كفاءة استخدام الطاقة من خلال الأبحاث العلمية المرتبطة بالطاقات المتجددة. خاصة أنَّ سورية تتمتع بإشعاع شمسي عالي و زمن سطوع شمسي طويل.
يتركز البحث حول تحديد الكفاءة الحرارية لنموذج مركز شمسي خطي قطعي (PTC) بهدف الحصول على النموذج الأمثل حرارياً و اقتصادياً وفق الشروط المناخية لمدينة دمشق.
تم وضع نموذج رياضي للمركز المدروس وفق الأبعاد التصميمية المحسوبة من خلال حل معادلات الزوايا الشمسية و الإشعاع الشمسي المباشر على مدار السنة. و قد تم حل هذا النموذج باستخدام عدة برامج حاسوبية (Excel, EES).
The drastically increase in energy demand and the problems resulted from environmental
pollution have led to a serious trend towards energy utilization efficiency improvement through
scientific researches related to renewable energies, particularity that Syria has a high solar
irradiance and prolonged sunshine hours.
This research focuses on determining the thermal efficiency for a prototype of a parabolic
trough solar concentrator (PTC) to obtain the optimal prototype thermally and economically
according to climatic conditions in Damascus.
It has been deposited the mathematical model of the studied concentrator depending on the
calculated design parameters through calculating the solar angles equations and direct solar
irradiance throughout the year. And it has been solved this model by using numerous computer
programs (Excel, EES).
References used
BREYER, A. Overview of the Kuraymat 150 MWe Integrated Solar Combined Cycle Power Plant (ISCC). Kuraymat, Egypt. 2011
COCCIA, G; Nicola, G & SOTTE M. Design, Manufacture, and Test of a Prototype for a Parabolic Trough Collector for Industrial Process Heat. Renewable Energy. Elsevier Inc. 2015, 727-736
DUFFIE, J & BECKMAN, W. Solar Engineering of Thermal Processes. 2nd. ed, John. Wiley & Sons, Inc New York, 1991, 469
Direct steam generation in parabolic trough collector (DSGPTC)
has had a great importance because of its thermoeconomic
advantages and many researches have be done in
this field. Due to that reason this paper studies the convection
heat transfer
This research shows the necessity of building the solar electric generating system to provide a clean renewable energy and to meet people's needs of electrical energy at Peak-Load to keep a clean environment in Palmyra region. This paper concluded a
The research includes the main ideas, outline and
preliminary structure for designing the proposed thermal
hydraulic autonomic solar tracker.
Who enjoys the benefits outweigh known trackers, raising
yields and minimize energy expended, reduced vi
The thermal exchangers are widely used in the power generating stations and many
refrigeration systems. Activity in the thermal cycle depends on its design and real
The aim of our present work, is to find an ideal calculation method
The process of direct steam generation was studied in this work
within a parabolic trough solar collector in order to generate
electricity. The study was based on the equations of a two phase
flow to study heat transfer in the collector's tube. Th