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Proposing Algorithem to extract Value of Industrial Counter from Image of Pulse Plan

اقتراح خوارزمية لاستخلاص قيمة العداد الصناعي من صور مخططاتها النبضية

1161   0   13   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2016
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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This paper introduces an algorithm to find out value of number for industrial counter from image of pulse plan. that is achieved by image processing of pulse plan for counter, pulse plan has been segmentation, and alternating times and type are detected. Type of alternating time means that if they are rising edge, that has zero value, or if they are falling edge, that has one value. Number of total edge is calculated for both type rising or falling. Number of value for counter is calculated by dividing number of edges on two. Two type of pulse plans are processed, the first one is pulse plans have empty pulse signals (pulse contains white pixels) and the second one is pulse plans have filled pulse signals (pulse contains nonwhite pixels). Proposal algorithm is developed to process two types. Programming interface is designed using MatLab for proposal algorithm. Three image of pulse plans are applied on this programming interface. It gives perfect results, by rate 100% and value of number for industrial counter is extracted for plans contains empty pulse or filled one. Rate of That is because used neoural neworked has 100% recogition rate, and proposal algorithm can find number of edges by 100% rate.

References used
TAYMANOV, R.;SAPOZHNIKOVA K.;What makes sensor devices and microsystems 'intelligent' or 'smart'?, Smart Sensors and Mems, 2014, Pages 3-26
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Jason Mair; David Eyers; Zhiyi Huang; Haibo Zhang, Myths in power estimation with Performance Monitoring Counters, Sustainable Computing: Informatics and Systems, Volume 4, Issue 2,June 2014, Pages 83-93
rate research

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