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استخدام الخصائص السيزمية في التحديد الدقيق للمصائد البنيوية في منطقة شرق الورد

1384   1   29   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2016
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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In area of Elward east located in Euphrates Graben, 2D and 3D Seismic data were used to reveal subsurface geological structures, especially Reservoir Rutbah Formation dated as Lower Cretaceous and to explore hydrocarbon traps of this Formation. And to discover new drillable locations by integrating geological and seismic data and using seismic attribute techniques such as Dip and coherency.

References used
Alsouki, M and Taifour, R 2015 The tectono-depositional evolution of the Syrian Euphrates Graben Area using the 3D seismic data, Arab J Geosci, Vol. 8. 7577–7587
Bahorich, M Farmer, S 1995 3-D seismic discontinuity for faults and stratigraphic features, The Leading Edge, Vol. 17. 1053–1058
Brown, A 2001 Understanding seismic attributes, Geophysics, Vol. 66. 47-49
rate research

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Copper chromite (CuCr2O4) was synthesized by a chemical coprecipitation method. The synthesized samples were characterized using X-ray powder diffraction technology (XRD). The temperature of synthesis was 650°C.
This research define and study geomorphological properties of the Karstic Polje, located in the southern parts of the coastal area “Beerat Aljerd and Ein alshams rgeons” For this issue, we have used “ G I S” Technology to clarify properties and pla ce of this Polje through construction few of informatics slides that contain different types of data, showing Karstic Polje limits, dimensions, topography of the region, and situated Karstic characteristics Blind valleys, sink holes, solution doline, hums. Following, we have studied the Paleogeogeaphic development of the study area, in addition to the forming conditions, and Geomorphological periods related with this region. Finally, This study showed the great hydrology importance, resulted from presence of this Karstic Polje in the mentioned region, through infiltration of large quantities of rain water by precipitation with annual average up to 1475 m m. This water moves often through water bearing formations toward the west, where flow out of the Polje and contribute in consisting of water storage for the coastal area.
CaMnO3 was synthesized by a Solid State method. MnO2 and CaO were used as precursors. The temperature of synthesis was 1100°C. X-ray diffraction analysis (XRD) revealed that the CaMnO3 was synthesized. XRD results showed that the prepared compound was polycrystalline and had orothohombic structure.
This research focused on re-assessment for Sarhit and shdeha fields in Euphrates graben. The two fields is mainly anticline structure which is consist of two horsts Sarhit and Shdeha fields separated by a graben Sarhit. Nine wells has been drille d in Sarhit field, and eleven wells in Shdeha field, all the wells are producers, except (SHD111). The research based on new seismic interpretation using GeoFrame program. Create new velocity models using two different methods (linear regression, V0K algorithm), using Petrel program. To confirm the study results, we created geological models for each velocity model, then calculated the Stuck Tank Oil Initial In Place (STOIIP), and the recovery factor (RF), for each field. The first chapter summarized the geology of Euphrates graben, and general information about the two fields including: the geology of study area and reservoir properties. More over the research objectives and the data availability. The second chapter consist of structural seismic interpretation in terms of traditional workflow (horizons and faults interpretation), and created seismic attribute maps. The third chapter: the waves and seismic velocities overview. Build velocity models using two different methods: linear regression, v0k algorithm. Then for each velocity method, we built geological model, calculated the STOIIP and RF, for each field. As a result we have noticed a decrease in the RF for the two fields by using V0K algorithm, comparing with linear regression method. Chapter four: results and recommendations
إن خصائص غلوتين القمح الكمية والنوعية من أهم مؤشرات الجودة للدقيق حيث تعد و إلى حد كبير العامل المحدد للاستخدام النهائي للدقيق
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