طرحت سورية عبر مواقف متتابعة مشروع ربط البحار الخمسة: المتوسط و الأسود و قزوين و الخليج العربي و البحر الأحمر، سياسياً و اقتصادياً و اجتماعياً لتوحيد جهود دولها, و تحقيق مصالحها, و بالتالي مواجهة المشروع الصهيوني الذي يعمل على تفتيت المنطقة.
و هو مشروع طموح و ناجح بكل المقاييس حيث يعمل على تأسيس تاريخ جديد في المنطقة لكنه تعرض لنكسة وفق المعطيات الدولية و الإقليمية الراهنة, و أن ما يحصل منذ سنوات في منطقتنا عامة و في سورية خاصةً كونها في موقع القلب للمشروع هو نتيجة لصراع الإرادات بين مشاريع الهيمنة و السيطرة من جهة و نهج سورية القائم على القراءة الدقيقة و الموضوعية لمجمل المتغيرات الدولية و الإقليمية من جهة أخرى, و بأن هناك إمكانية تجدد المشروع وفق آليات جديدة في المستقبل بالاستناد الى العلاقات السورية الايرانية العراقية.
Syria raised through successive positions of linking the five seas: the Mediterranean,
Black and Caspian and the Arabian Gulf and the Red Sea project, politically, economically
and socially to unite its efforts and pursue their interests, and thus face of the Zionist
project, which works to break up the region.
It is an ambitious project and successful by all standards where it's works to establish
a new history in the region, but suffered a setback in accordance with the current
international and regional data, and that what is happening for years in our region in
general and in Syria as especially being in the heart of the project is the result of a conflict
of wills between the hegemony projects and control on the one hand and Syria approach
based on accurate and objective reading of the entire international changes and Regional
the other hand, and that there is a possibility of renewed project in accordance with the
new mechanisms in the future based on the Iraqi-Syrian-Iranian relations.
References used
Joseph S. Nye Jr, Soft Power: “The Means to Success in World Politics”, Public Affairs; (2005), ch2
(Randall Schweller; “The Progressiveness of Neoclassical Realism”, pp. 311- 347 in Colin Elman and Miriam Fendius Elman eds., Progress in International Relations Theory, Cambridge, Mass, MIT Press,(2003
The (Middle Eastern) project is a mainly and Zionism call aims to dissolve the
Islamic and the Arabic identities in a new identity to be consistent with the identity
of the Zionism. While the (Great Middle East) is an American term that in addition
WordNet is the most widely used lexical resource for English, while Wikidata is one of the largest knowledge graphs of entity and concepts available. While, there is a clear difference in the focus of these two resources, there is also a significant
This research aimed to identify the relationship between the five big factors of personality and the martial parallel among a sample of chapels in Damascus, and to identify the differences inthe five big factors of personality and the martial paralle
This research attempts to discuss the issue of the most important issues which
concern to the international forums and platforms on their different backgrounds and those
of Cryptography and confusion winning in the concept of international legitima
This research aims at revealing the relationship between the
Loneliness Scal (UCLA) and Five factors of personality Inventory (NEOFFI-S)
to the sample of students of the four faculties in Damascus
university ( the faculty of Education , Fine arts