نُفذت التجربة مخبرياً من خلال تجربة الباتش حيث تم دراسة تأثير كلاً من الرقم الهيدروجيني
( 5.5- 7- 8.5 )، و زمن التلامس بين المحلول و التربة ( 1 - 5 - 10 /د ) و تركيز المحلول من معدن الكروم
( 13.4- 22.84 - 47.57 ملغ/ل) في حركية و ادمصاص الكروم. بينت نتائج تجربة الباتش ان كمية الكروم المدمصة من المحلول المائي تزداد مع الزمن، و تكون هذه الكمية أكبر في الدقيقة الأولى، و ذلك في جميع درجات الرق الهيدروجيني للمحلول و مهما كان تركيز الكروم في المحلول الأولي، و كذلك
درجة الادمصاص أو نسبة الإزالة، و أن كمية الكروم المدمصة من المحلول تكون أكبر
عندما يكون الرق الهيدروجيني للمحلول 8.5 ، و ذلك مهما كان تركيز المحلول الأولي،
و كذلك درجة الادمصاص أو نسبة الإزالة.
Carried out the experiment in the laboratory through the experience
of the patch where they were both studying the effect of pH (5.5-7-
8.5), and the time of contact between the solution and the soil
(05.01.10 / d) and the concentration of the solution of the metal
chromium (13.4-22.84-47.57 mg / l) in the adsorption kinetics and
chrome. The results of the patch test showed that the amount of
chromium adsorbed from the aqueous solution increases with time,
and be this quantity greater in the first minute, and in all degrees of
the pH of the solution Whatever the chromium concentration in the
initial solution, as well as the degree of adsorption or removal ratio,
and chrome amount adsorbed from The solution is greater when the
pH of the solution is 8.5, and that whatever the initial concentration
of the solution, as well as the degree of adsorption or removal ratio.
References used
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HORSFALL M, SPIFF AI., 2004- Studies on the effect of pH on thesorption of Pb2+ and Cd2+ ions from aqueous solutions by Caladiumbicolor (Wild cocoyam) biomass. Elec. J. Biotechnol. 7 (3): 313-323
Carried out a laboratory experiment in order kinetics study of adsorption
of cadmium and lead in the soil, using soil columns experiment, with the
use of concentration 26.25 mg / l for cadmium, and 27.81 mg / l for lead,
and two degrees of pH 5.5, 0.7, with the use of five parameters.
Experiments were conducted on field (2014) for knowing the effect
of nitrogenous fertilizers (Ammonium Nitrate, Urea, Ammonium
Sulfate) in increased concentrations with
two ways of fertilization (Scattered, local) in growth of the young
Beet plan
The research aims to study the differences of some aspects of physiological
activities in three ornamental plants, Conocarpus erectus L., Hibiscus rosasinensis
L, and Vinca rosea L. grown in Makkah. These plants are founded in
similar environmenta
hybrid commercial chicks (Hubbard Flex) were A total of /450/
reared from 1 to 42 days of age. Chicks were distributed into five
groups; each group contained 90 birds within three replicates. Five
diets were used; the first was the traditional die
The substance, Na٢-EDTA, disodium salt of Ethylene Diamine Tetra Acetic
acid, has big influence on the setting time of both Portland cement, and clinker.
The time of initial, and final setting is remarkably changed in the presence of a
small perce