جمعت 228 عينة روث من مستقيم الجاموس ، من مركز بحوث تطوير الجاموس التابع لمحافظة
حماة و ثلاث مناطق أخرى تابعة لمنطقة الغاب ، و ذلك في الفترة الواقعة بين شباط حتى نهاية شهر
حزيران من عام 2002 تراوحت أعمار الحيوانات المفحوصة بين أسبوعين و حتى 7 سنوات .
، أثبتت الدراسة إصابة معظم الجواميس المفحوصة بالطفيليات الداخلية إذ بلغت نسبة الإصابة 68%
إلا أنها كانت متباينة بين الحيوانات المرباة في الحقل من جهة، و بينها و بين الحيوانات المرباة في
المركز، فقد كانت مرتفعة في الأولى، و منخفضة في الثانية .
و قد أظهر الفحص المجهري لروث مجموعات الأعمار المختلفة للجاموس وجود نسب مئوية متغيرة
من الإصابة الطفيلية. و تم تسجيل أعلى نسبة للإصابة بالأوالي الطفيلية و الديدان الممسودة بين العجول
حتى عمر السنة 67 % و 62.5 % على التوالي. في حين سجلت أعلى نسبة إصابة بالشريطيات
و المثقوبات في الجاموس اليافع و تراوحت بين 46.3 % و 56.7 % على التوالي. و قد بينت النتائج إصابة
الجاموس بالأنواع نفسها التي تصاب بها الأبقار إما على شكل إصابة منفردة بنوع واحد أو إصابة
مختلطة بعدة أنواع وقد وصلت نسبة التداخل إلى 41% .
Two hundred and twenty eight faeces samples were collected from rectum
of buffalo belong to Hama district , research center of buffalo development and
three other areas in Alghab, samples collecting were carried out between
February and the end of June /2002 . The examined animals were between two
weeks and seven years old.
The study showed, that buffalo were affected with endoparsites, which
reached the ratio of 67.98%. This rate was different in field animals comparing
with animals in the reserch center. It was high in the former, and low in the
The microscopic examination of faeces samples from buffalo groups of
defferent ages reveald different precentage rates of parasitic infestation. The
highest rate of infection was recorded for protozoa 66.96% and Nematoda
62.50%, by buffalo up to one year old. While the highest rate for the infestation
of cestoda 46.26% and Trematoda 56.71% was recognized in young buffalo .
The results showed that buffalo were affected with the same types of
parasites, which affect cattle . The animals were infected with one type or with
many types 41%.
References used
Abdel Aal, A.A. (1981): Studies on Eimeria species infecting cattle and calves in Egypt and the effect of some anti-coccidial drugs . M. V. Sc. Thesis, Cairo University
Abdel, Aal, A. A.; Abou-Echa, A. M.; El-Sheary M. N. (1999) : Prevalence of fascioliasis among man and animals in ismailia province. Assiut Vet. Med. J. vol. 41, No. 81
Abyladze, K. E.; Demidov N. V. ; Nepoklonov C. N. (1990) : Parasitology and infectious disease, agricultural animals . Mir publisher, Moscow , USSR in Russia
In this work, ١٥ digestive systems of Syrian Awass sheep, slaughtered in
Hama abattoir were examined, in addition faeces smaers, livers, lungs and
mesenteries were examined .
Very high infestation percent of Gastro-intestinal helminths was evident
143 stool samples were examined, they were taken from people
living in Alqalamoun region, in Syria.
The aim of this study was to determine the species of enteric
parasites and their prevalence. The percentage of the prevalence of intestinal parasi
The ectopic adrenal corticed were located in close adherent of the main
adrenal gland and they were delineated by a distinct connective tissue capsule.
Cells representing glomerulosa and fasciculata zones were predominant in the
ectopic adrenal cortices. Whereas, cells of zona reticularis and medullary zone
were absent.
The aim of this study was to evaluate the affecting factors of
Buffalo milk production in Al- Ghab Plain. The data were
collected according to the farmers during the season of 2009-2010.
The effect of parturition season, dry period and calving int
Introduction: The cardiogenic chock is the most cause of death following to acute
myocardial infarction (IMA) ,it occurs( 10%) in patients who are hospitalized in soins
intensive for acute myocardial infarction
Lot of patient with acute myocardial