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Chemical and Physical Changes in Olive Fruits «Ashrasi-Type II» During Growth and Maturation Period

بعض التغيرات الكيميائية و الفيزيائية في ثمار الزيتون (صنف أشرسي) خلال النمو و النضج

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 Publication date 2006
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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During the season of 2002, samples of olive fruit were taken (Ashrasi type) from Ninavah horticulture’s station that belongs to the ministry of agriculture in Iraq. The purpose of this research is to study some physical and chemical characteristics during the growing period, from July until October. Those characteristics include moisture, ash, oil content, chlorophyll A & B, protein, pH and carbohydrate, In addition to fruit length, size, weight, radius, and rigidity. The results showed significant increase in moisture, oil, weight, size and length of the fruit were studied. Significant reduction was noticed in the percentages of the protein, carbohydrate, ash and the fruit rigidity. The highest values of chlorophyll were observed during The month of September. October considered as the best time to harvest olive fruits for pickle purpose.

Artificial intelligence review:
Research summary
تتناول هذه الدراسة التي أجرتها شيما العبادي في موسم 2002 في محطة البستنة في نينوى التابعة لوزارة الزراعة في العراق، التغيرات الكيميائية والفيزيائية في ثمار الزيتون من نوع 'أشرسي' خلال فترة النمو والنضج من يوليو حتى أكتوبر. تشمل الخصائص المدروسة الرطوبة، الرماد، محتوى الزيت، الكلوروفيل A وB، البروتين، الرقم الهيدروجيني والكربوهيدرات، بالإضافة إلى طول الثمرة، حجمها، وزنها، نصف قطرها وصلابتها. أظهرت النتائج زيادة ملحوظة في الرطوبة، الزيت، الوزن، الحجم وطول الثمرة، بينما لوحظ انخفاض كبير في نسب البروتين، الكربوهيدرات، الرماد وصلابة الثمرة. سجلت أعلى قيم للكلوروفيل خلال شهر سبتمبر، واعتبر شهر أكتوبر أفضل وقت لجني ثمار الزيتون لأغراض التخليل.
Critical review
دراسة نقدية: تعتبر هذه الدراسة مهمة لفهم التغيرات الكيميائية والفيزيائية التي تحدث في ثمار الزيتون خلال فترة النمو والنضج، مما يوفر معلومات قيمة للمزارعين والباحثين في مجال الزراعة. ومع ذلك، يمكن تحسين الدراسة من خلال توسيع نطاق العينات لتشمل مناطق جغرافية مختلفة لضمان تعميم النتائج. كما يمكن أن تكون هناك حاجة لمزيد من التحليل الإحصائي لتعزيز موثوقية النتائج. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، كان من الممكن تضمين دراسة مقارنة مع أنواع أخرى من الزيتون لتوفير فهم أعمق للفروق بين الأنواع المختلفة.
Questions related to the research
  1. ما هي الخصائص الكيميائية والفيزيائية التي تم دراستها في ثمار الزيتون من نوع 'أشرسي'؟

    تم دراسة الرطوبة، الرماد، محتوى الزيت، الكلوروفيل A وB، البروتين، الرقم الهيدروجيني والكربوهيدرات، بالإضافة إلى طول الثمرة، حجمها، وزنها، نصف قطرها وصلابتها.

  2. ما هي التغيرات الملحوظة في ثمار الزيتون خلال فترة النمو والنضج؟

    أظهرت النتائج زيادة ملحوظة في الرطوبة، الزيت، الوزن، الحجم وطول الثمرة، بينما لوحظ انخفاض كبير في نسب البروتين، الكربوهيدرات، الرماد وصلابة الثمرة.

  3. متى سجلت أعلى قيم للكلوروفيل في ثمار الزيتون؟

    سجلت أعلى قيم للكلوروفيل خلال شهر سبتمبر.

  4. ما هو الوقت المثالي لجني ثمار الزيتون لأغراض التخليل وفقًا للدراسة؟

    اعتبر شهر أكتوبر أفضل وقت لجني ثمار الزيتون لأغراض التخليل.

References used
Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC). (1980). Official methods of analysis, Washington, D.C
Daoud, A. D. (1975). The effect of some fertilizer treatments on yield and percentage of oil in some local varieties of olive. M.Sc. Thesis, Baghdad University, Iraq
Gharbi, T., Mokni, R. and Nagati, K. (2000). L'Huile D'olive atimentsant Par excehence-Acta Horticulture. 357, 235-241
rate research

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The aim of this research is to study the most important physical, chemical and microbial changes in several kinds of infant milk available in local markets. The milk samples were studied in conditions similar to those used by mothers when they prep are infant milk bottles at their houses. The results showed that moisture content increased in all samples from approximately 1% to 3.2-4.4% after storage for 9 days. Acidity increased considerably from 0.14% to 0.2%. The results showed that peroxide value passed the allowable limits (0.25) and reached about (0.47) in samples stored for 9 days at room temperature. However, the value for samples stored in the refrigerator ranged between (0.25-0.29). The free acidity number of fat for all samples specially the refrigerated ones was within the natural limits (<0.5). Chromatographic analyses showed apparent differences in fatty acid percentages between the kinds of milk. The rate of lenoleic acid (C 18-2 ) decreased during storage in all samples and in all conditions. Soluble nitrogen increased in all samples at the end of storage and the highest value was 0.49% in Nido milk samples. The solubility of milk samples was checked during storage and was found to decrease very little ( 1%). The total count of aerobic bacteria showed that all samples conform to the Syrian standards (No. 197, 1996) during the first six days of storage, but they passed the upper limits at the end of storage. However, all samples were free of pathogenic microbes .
This investigation was conducted to study the effect of cooling preservation on some microbiological (total count of organism, yeast and fungi, Coliform bacteria), chemical (total soluble solids, total acids, vitamin C) parameters and sensory eval uation of Broccoli during refrigerated storage and to determine the acceptability of the best treatment of the broccoli by customer during refrigerated storage. Two hybrids of broccoli, F1 Kondi and F1 Kibbah grow at Abi Jarash farms of Damascus University in 2011/2012 season were used. Three treatments were applied on two hybrids of broccoli. Treatments 1 (broccoli was stored without any packaging), treatments 2 (broccoli was stored after packaging without vacuum sealed) and treatments 3 (broccoli was stored after packaging with vacuum sealed). Results showed and based on microbiology, chemically and sensory evaluation that the best treatment to save the broccoli reverberated was treatment 3 for the both hybrids of broccoli F1 Kondi and F1 Kibbah (broccoli was stored after packaging with vacuum sealed) where the broccoli F1 Kondi was preserved without any changes in sensory parameters and accepted qualities for 15 days and for 10 days for broccoli F1 Kibbah.
The experiment was conducted during the two seasons (2015 , 2016 ) on the Lemon trees cv (Meyer ) aiming at studying the effect of the foliar spraying with the nutrients ( boron , zinc and iron ) on physical and chemical properties of the fruits Th ese nutrients were sprayed separately or as a mixture . The average of each of the physical properties of the fruit (length , width , firmness, volume and weight of the fruit ) , in addition to rind thickness and the fruits ` juice volume, ,the chemical properties of the fruit juice (total soluble solids, total sugars, total acidity, vitamin C) were studied. An increase was observed in all the studied parameters in the sprayed treatments compared to the control from( 6.37%- 3.33% -0.37% - 34.57mg%)to(9.33% -4.88% -1.89% -43.5%) in the first season and( 9.75% 5.87- 3.32% - 45%) in the second season, respectively. As a result of the statistical analysis, there were significant differences between all the studied treatments and the control with overpass of the treatment of the three elements (iron chelate + boron oxide + zinc chelate ) of all treatments in the most of the studied figures in both seasons. Statistical analysis of the fruit rind thickness showed the absence of the significant differences among the studied treatments.
The recent synthesis of the new polymers has been profoundly affected by the unique characteristics of Dimer Acid. These polymers were made up following the condensation with triethanolamine when was treated in melted phase. We performed identifi cation of the physical characteristics of the polymers such as the molecular weight, in addition to the acid value and hydroxyl value. Infrared spectroscopy have been used in identification of this polymer. Also, the rheological behavior has been assessed thermally and shearing stress by using capillary viscometer. Our results revealed a reduction in the viscosity with increase of the shearing stress as will as with rise in the temperature.
The effect of clay soil treatment with two levels of tobacco west compost and organic fertilizer (15 and 30 ton/ h), in addition to mineral fertilizer treatment, with three replicates of each treatment on some physical properties (Aggregate size di stribution, main weight diameter, bulk density and porosity) and chemical properties (Organic carbon, humic and volvic acid and humification index for big and small soil aggregates was studied. The results showed that tobacco west compost and organic fertilizer were effective in increment of soil content of organic carbon, which reached (20 and 26%) for organic fertilizer, and (39 and 45%) for compost compared to the control, conducing to ameliorate soil physical properties, where The main weight diameter, stable aggregate rate and soil porosity were increased. Whereas, bulk density decreased significantly in both treatments compared to the control. Compost treatment affect soil physical properties more than organic fertilizer.Mineral fertilizer decreased soil content of organic carbon compared to the control. Humic and volvic acids contents were between 2.12 and 74.3 mg/kg aggregates in the control,and compost treatments alternatively in macro aggregates (> 2mm). Wile, volvic acid values were between 0.93 mg/kg in control for small aggregates (< 0.25), and 3.17 mg/kg aggregates in mineral fertilizer treatment for (0.25 – 2) aggregates. Humification index values were less than 2 in macro aggregates, while it was bigger than 2 in small aggregates.
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