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Genotype by Environment Interaction and Yield Stability of Cultivars and Promising Lines of Barley over Diverse Syrian Environments

التفاعل الوراثي البيئي و ثباتية الغلة لأصناف و سلالات مبشرة من الشعير عبر بيئات سورية متباينة

2028   1   67   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2010
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Twenty four genotypes were tested for grain yield in four diverse locations over two seasons i.e. 2005-06 and 2006-07. The genetic material contained 19 promising lines and five checks representing the local and improved cultivars for Zoon B (250-350 mm/year) in Syria. The results showed the significant role of the genotype by environment interaction of crossover type in the performance of the genotypes studied and their ranking across test environments. The largest portion of the variance due to GE interaction was attributed to genotype by season GS and Genotype by location by season GLS interactions which revealed the importance of selection for yield stability in addition to average yield across environments.

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Research summary
تدرس الورقة البحثية تأثير التفاعل بين الجينات والبيئة على استقرار إنتاجية الشعير في بيئات سورية متنوعة. تم اختبار 24 جينوتيبًا في أربع مواقع مختلفة على مدار موسمين (2005-2006 و2006-2007). تضمنت المواد الوراثية 19 سلالة واعدة وخمسة أصناف محلية ومحسنة. أظهرت النتائج أهمية التفاعل بين الجينات والبيئة من نوع التداخل المتقاطع في أداء الجينوتيبات وترتيبها عبر البيئات المختلفة. تم تقدير نوعين من الاستقرار: الاستقرار الثابت والاستقرار الديناميكي. أظهرت الدراسة أن الجينوتيبات ذات الاستقرار الثابت كانت ذات إنتاجية منخفضة، مما يشير إلى أن هذا النوع من الاستقرار غير مفيد في البيئات المتغيرة بشكل كبير. من ناحية أخرى، بعض السلالات أظهرت تفوقًا في كل من متوسط الإنتاجية عبر البيئات والاستقرار الديناميكي، مما يجعلها مهمة لتحقيق إنتاجية جيدة في ظروف الجفاف واستجابة جيدة للظروف الزراعية المحسنة.
Critical review
دراسة نقدية: تقدم الورقة البحثية تحليلًا شاملاً لتفاعل الجينات مع البيئة وأثره على استقرار إنتاجية الشعير، وهو موضوع ذو أهمية كبيرة في تحسين المحاصيل الزراعية. ومع ذلك، يمكن أن تكون الدراسة أكثر شمولاً إذا تضمنت تحليلًا أعمق للعوامل البيئية الفردية وتأثيرها على التفاعل بين الجينات والبيئة. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، يمكن أن يكون من المفيد تضمين دراسات مقارنة مع محاصيل أخرى أو بيئات أخرى لتحسين فهمنا لكيفية تأثير هذه التفاعلات في سياقات مختلفة. كما أن استخدام تقنيات تحليل بيانات أكثر تقدمًا يمكن أن يعزز من دقة النتائج ويوفر رؤى أعمق.
Questions related to the research
  1. ما هو الهدف الرئيسي من الدراسة؟

    الهدف الرئيسي هو دراسة تأثير التفاعل بين الجينات والبيئة على استقرار إنتاجية الشعير في بيئات سورية متنوعة.

  2. ما هي أنواع الاستقرار التي تم تقديرها في الدراسة؟

    تم تقدير نوعين من الاستقرار: الاستقرار الثابت والاستقرار الديناميكي.

  3. ما هي النتائج المتعلقة بالجينوتيبات ذات الاستقرار الثابت؟

    النتائج أظهرت أن الجينوتيبات ذات الاستقرار الثابت كانت ذات إنتاجية منخفضة، مما يشير إلى أن هذا النوع من الاستقرار غير مفيد في البيئات المتغيرة بشكل كبير.

  4. ما هي أهمية السلالات التي أظهرت تفوقًا في كل من متوسط الإنتاجية عبر البيئات والاستقرار الديناميكي؟

    هذه السلالات مهمة لأنها تجمع بين إنتاجية جيدة في ظروف الجفاف واستجابة جيدة للظروف الزراعية المحسنة، مما يجعلها مناسبة لتحقيق إنتاجية عالية في بيئات متنوعة.

References used
Annicchiarico, P. (1997). Joint regression vs AMMI analysis of genotypeenvironment interactions for cereals in Italy. Euphytica 94: 53-62
Annicchiarico, P. (2002). Genotype × environments interactions – challenges and opportunities for plant breeding and cultivar recommendation. FAO Plant Production and Protection Paper No. 174. Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome
Baker, R. J. (1988). Tests for crossover genotype-environmental interactions. Can. J. Plant Sci. 68: 405-410
rate research

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اختُبر 12 طرازا وراثياً من القمح القاسي Triticuum. du لصفة الغلة الحبيبة في ثلاثة مواقع بيئية متباينة خلال موسمي 2014/2013 ,2015 /2014 و تضمنت المادة الوراثية 7 سلالات مبشرة و خمسة شواهد تمثل أصناف القمح القاسي المحلية لمنطقتي الاستقرار الأولى و ا لثانية في سورية. صممت التجربة وفق تصميم القطاعات الكاملة العشوائية في ثلاثة مكررات, حللت البيانات و تمت المقارنة وفق اختبار أقل فرق معنوي LSD عند مستوى دلالة 5%.
Eleven genotypes of Bread Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) were tested at three diverse locations in the Syrian Coast during the 2015-2016 season under rain-fed conditions to assess these genotypes and to study the Genotypes x Environments Interactions , and yield stability across environments using 5 statistical measures of stability:{ X¯i, bi, and i according to Eberhart and Russell (1966), Stability Variance Index (2 i) according to Wricke and Weber (1980), Ecovalance Stability Index (Wi) according to Wricke (1962)}. Genetic material included 5 promising lines and 6 local varieties (provided by ACSAD and GCSAR).The experiment was designed using randomized complete block design with three replications, statistical data analysis was done, and least significant difference (L.S.D) test at 5% was applied for comparison of means. Significant differences were observed among bread wheat genotypes for grain yield (ton/ha), combined analysis of variance of grain yield across the three environments showed significant mean squares due to genotypes, environments and genotypes x environments interaction, suggesting differential responses of genotypes across studied environments and validity of stability analysis. Stability analysis for grain yield revealed that; the promising line ACSAD-1147 and Doma6 were more stable than other genotypes. Due to they had superior ranks for both average yield over environments and yield stability, which reveals the importance of these genotypes to reach varieties that combine relatively high yield and better stability in any future breeding programs.
In Syria, Barley is grown under rainfed conditions in areas receive less than 300mm (zones: 2, 3 and 4), which is characterized by limited water availability and large year to year variability in both total rainfall and distribution . A biotic stre sses such as drought, cold, heat , salinity and biotic stresses in addition to low soil fertility and the traditional methods in agriculture production are the limiting factors for barley productivity in Syria. In these agro-climatic environments, landraces and their wild relatives are considered to be very useful as main sources of genetic materials in breeding programs, also its widely recognized that these materials could be an important source of useful genetic variation. A study of the genetic structure of landraces may explain to what extent their adaptation to harsh environments is associated with remote or continuous introgression of H. spontaneum, and hence indicates an additional avenue to improve barley yield and its stability in dry areas. The ability of pure lines to sustain yield and stability in dry areas highly correlated with its heterogeneity. and the mixture of several lines gave higher productivity than the pure line Arabi asswad. The objectives of this work were to study the relationships between the genotype and environment interaction, to evaluate and compare the performance of number of populations and barleymixtures with pure barley lines under rainfed conditions (Zone2) in Tel Hadya Research Station (35 Km South of Aleppo city). The study also aimed to investigate the population dynamic behavior of three pure lines of barley in pure stands and in mixtures, each pure line being selected from landraces of three climatically/ ecologically different regions in Syria and Jordan. The results showed that, in spit of the narrow genetic variation between the experimental materials, the variations were very wide and obvious for most of the studid characteristics, mainly on grain yield (3.25-5.17 ton/ha) and biological yield 7.4 – 11.9. The variation was due to highly productive tillers, 1000 kernel weight and grain size as well as the morphological and phenological characteristics. The environmental conditions during the three seasons did not allow the evaluation of the reaction of the Mixtures and Populations even though mixture 2, which consists of 1: 2: 1 of zanbaka, Arta and Wadi Al-Hassa showed a very good performance in grain yield, biological yield and many other characteristics such as grain weight, harvest index, threshing percentage, grain number and grain weight. It is expected that pure lines will perform better in favorable and stable conditions and mixtures and some populations will play a very important role under stressed environments.
This study was carried out in cooperation between the Faculty of Agriculture, Damascus University and the General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research (GCSAR) in Karahta station of field crops researches during two growing seasons (2003 -04 & 2004-05). Four local improved barley lines and cultivars (female parents) were crossed with five exotic lines and cultivars (male parents) using line × tester method. The crosses were grown along with their parents in a randomized complete block design (RCBD) with three replications to estimate general combining ability (GCA), specific combining ability(SCA) and both mid and high parent heterosis for number of spikes per plant, number of grains per spike, thousand kernel weight, and grain yield per plant.
This research was carried out at the Maize Researches Department of General Commission of Science Agriculture Research (GCSAR), Damascus, Syria, During the growing season 2010 to study general and specific combining ability and the behavior of the inheritance of plant height, ear height, yield per unit area, ear length and ear diameter in sweet corn by the use of half diallel crosses of five selected sweet corn inbred lines (IL.1037-08) P1, (IL.1062-08) P2, (IL.1049-08) P3, (IL.209-08) P4 and (IL.1065-08) P5
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