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تأثير الاختلاف المركزي في تراوح السرعة في الكامات القرصية ذات التوابع الترددية

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 Publication date 2003
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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No English abstract

References used
Skreiner, M.,” Dynamic Analysis Used to Complete the Design of a Mechanism “, J. Mechanisms,1970
Paul, B.,” Kinematics and Dynamics of Planar Machinery “, Prentice-Hall, NJ,1979
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مفهوم التابع لعدة متحولات التمثيل البياني لتابع لمتحولين نهايات التوابع لمتحولين واستمرارها النهايات النهايات التكرارية الاستمرار المشتقات الجزئية التفاضل التام التفاضل التام من المراتب العليا الجاكوبي (Jacobian) التوابع الشعاعية (Vec tor functions) المنحنيات الفراغية (Space curves) السطوح (Surfaces) المؤثر التفاضلي الموجه (Differential vector operator) تدرج التابع السلمي (Gradient of scalar function) خواص شعاع التدرج (Properties of the gradient) تباعد الحقل الشعاعي(Divergence of vector field) المعنى الفيزيائي للتباعد دوران الحقل الشعاعي (Curl of vector field) المعنى الهندسي للدوران
Let denote the class of functions that are analytic and univalent in the unit disk such that: Using De Brange Theorem it has been shown for the functinos of this class that the the following estimations are true: For the Subclass ( e.i. The Class of Convex functionswhdch in analytic and univalent in unit disk) the following estimations are true.
The education of wasting energy by Windge in helical gears has achieved in high speed by testing a group of gears that made of beech in determined geometrical specifications. So a testing device is designed and developed to measure the Windge wasti ng energy in gears. This device is consists of electrical driver (3kw) that turning a pivot that leaned on two rolling carrier across a friction wheel. This indented friction wheel is ride in the end of pivot, while the other free end is supplied with electromagnetic sensor to measure the turning speed as a function of time across a control board. The Windge wasting energy is determined by minus the wasting energy that resulting from turning the pivot alone, from that resulting from turning the whole system (pivot-gear). After doing the tests and experiments, the patterns of the losing (theoretical losses, practical losses) is draw. Then a comparative between the theoretical losses and that has gotten from testing device.
فإن الأمة الإسلامية اليوم تتعرض لمخاطر تستهدف وجودها و وحدتها و دينها و أهم قضاياها… بدءًا من قضية فلسطين، و انتهاء عند مختلف القضايا التي تطرح في الساحة الدولية. و هذا الوضع يقتضي من أبناء الأمة أن يقفوا لمراجعة الذات، و إعادة النظر في أسلوب الت عامل مع بعضهم عندما تتفق وجهات نظرهم، و عندما تختلف. و أن يكون حافزًا على التزام الجميع بأدب الحوار، و وضع مسألة وحدة الكلمة في مقدمة اهتماماتنا. عملا بقوله تعالى: (إنما المؤمنون إخوة فأصلحوا بين أخويكم و اتقوا الله لعلكم ترحمون) الحجرات: 10 و قوله جل شأنه: (و لا تنازعوا فتفشلوا و تذهب ريحكم) الأنفال: 46 من هذا المنطلق أقول: إن علينا جميعًا أن تتسع صدورنا للآخرين و لآرائهم، و أن نتحاور على قاعدة الأخوة في الله و حسن الظن.
We explore the link between the extent to which syntactic relations are preserved in translation and the ease of correctly constructing a parse tree in a zero-shot setting. While previous work suggests such a relation, it tends to focus on the macro level and not on the level of individual edges---a gap we aim to address. As a test case, we take the transfer of Universal Dependencies (UD) parsing from English to a diverse set of languages and conduct two sets of experiments. In one, we analyze zero-shot performance based on the extent to which English source edges are preserved in translation. In another, we apply three linguistically motivated transformations to UD, creating more cross-lingually stable versions of it, and assess their zero-shot parsability. In order to compare parsing performance across different schemes, we perform extrinsic evaluation on the downstream task of cross-lingual relation extraction (RE) using a subset of a standard English RE benchmark translated to Russian and Korean. In both sets of experiments, our results suggest a strong relation between cross-lingual stability and zero-shot parsing performance.

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318  - 0  - -  Adam Mousa was published in field ( Physics)
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