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The science of Arabic Physiognomy since the Pre- Islamic until the of Prophet and caliphs era

علم القيافة عند العرب منذ ما قبل الإسلام حتى نهاية عصر الرسول و الخلفاء الراشدون

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 Publication date 2017
  fields History
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Arabs Care and tracking flag, They have helped them that sandy nature of their country, which made them men well versed in tracking the footprints on the sand, whether members of their tribes, their animals which Relied on cutting as wasteland beauty and horses, and when it came the Prophet peace and blessings, he cemented place of this flag, took and encouraged it, So they worked him and gave him a privileged position among the sciences, this indicates that the Arab nation is capable of adapting the circumstances in which lived it for serves their interest.

Artificial intelligence review:
Research summary
تناول البحث علم القيافة عند العرب منذ ما قبل الإسلام حتى نهاية عصر الرسول والخلفاء الراشدين، حيث كان لهذا العلم أهمية كبيرة في حياة العرب والمسلمين. ساعدت الطبيعة الرملية للجزيرة العربية العرب على تطوير مهاراتهم في تتبع الآثار على الرمال، سواء كانت آثار أقدام البشر أو الحيوانات. وقد عزز الرسول الكريم عليه الصلاة والسلام مكانة هذا العلم وشجع على استخدامه، مما أدى إلى اعتماده في إثبات النسب وتتبع المجرمين. كما تناول البحث كيفية استخدام العرب للقيافة في تتبع آثار الطيور والاهتداء بالبراري والقفار، وأشار إلى بعض العادات التي نهى عنها الرسول مثل التطير بالطيور. اعتمد البحث على مجموعة من المصادر التاريخية والفقهية والأدبية لدراسة هذا الموضوع وتحليل المعلومات للوصول إلى الحقيقة التاريخية لعلم القيافة عند العرب.
Critical review
دراسة نقدية: على الرغم من أن البحث قدم معلومات قيمة حول علم القيافة وأهميته في حياة العرب والمسلمين، إلا أنه كان من الممكن أن يكون أكثر تفصيلاً في بعض الجوانب. مثلاً، لم يتناول البحث بشكل كافٍ تأثير القيافة على المجتمعات الأخرى وكيفية انتقال هذا العلم إلى الثقافات الأخرى. كما أن البحث اعتمد بشكل كبير على المصادر التاريخية دون تقديم تحليل نقدي كافٍ لهذه المصادر. كان من الممكن أيضاً تقديم مقارنة بين علم القيافة وعلم الفراسة بشكل أعمق لتوضيح الفروق والتشابهات بينهما. بشكل عام، البحث جيد ولكنه يحتاج إلى مزيد من التحليل والتفصيل في بعض الجوانب.
Questions related to the research
  1. ما هو علم القيافة وكيف ساعدت الطبيعة الرملية للعرب في تطويره؟

    علم القيافة هو علم تتبع الآثار على الرمال لمعرفة آثار الأقدام سواء للبشر أو الحيوانات. ساعدت الطبيعة الرملية للجزيرة العربية العرب على تطوير مهاراتهم في هذا العلم، حيث كانوا قادرين على تمييز الآثار وتتبعها بدقة.

  2. كيف عزز الرسول الكريم مكانة علم القيافة؟

    عزز الرسول الكريم عليه الصلاة والسلام مكانة علم القيافة وشجع على استخدامه، مما أدى إلى اعتماده في إثبات النسب وتتبع المجرمين. وقد عمل الصحابة والخلفاء الراشدون بهذا العلم وأخذوا برأي القيافة في إثبات النسب.

  3. ما هي بعض العادات التي نهى عنها الرسول فيما يتعلق بالقيافة؟

    نهى الرسول الكريم عن بعض العادات المتعلقة بالقيافة مثل التطير بالطيور، حيث اعتبرها من أنواع السحر والكهانة. كما نهى عن بعض العادات الأخرى مثل تحريم الزواج في شهر شوال.

  4. ما هي المصادر التي اعتمد عليها البحث في دراسة علم القيافة؟

    اعتمد البحث على مجموعة من المصادر التاريخية والفقهية والأدبية لدراسة علم القيافة، بما في ذلك القرآن الكريم، كتب الحديث، والمراجع التاريخية والأدبية التي تناولت هذا الموضوع.

References used
برو, توفيق: تاريخ العرب القدي, دار الفكر, سوريا 2001, ط2
خليفة, حاجي: كشف الظنون, مكتبة المثنى, بغداد 1941م .
الركبان, عبد الله العلي: النظرية العامة لإثبات موجبات الحدود.
rate research

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Arabs lived in a desert environment, adopted where the springs explosive, although not exist they need to search for water and inferred and then deduced which is known to have the knowledge of Riyavh, which is a type of physiognomy as they need to search for some of the Numerology's to indicate the presence of water, usually what relied on sensing soil moisture, or sniff the smell, and smell the plants, and animal control to deduce the existence, and after discovering, they developed the tools and equipment for drilling and then Ensnarement to take advantage of this water Accumulated inside the earth, and they succeeded in that and have made great progress in making the necessary tools for lifting, and then slitting traction channels, as well as managed to build dams to trap rainfall, Riyavh was the science took a great importance in their lives.
Thebes has came into existence (the current city of Luxor) as a village of the upper villages of Egypt since the third alpha B.C, where the old Egyptian human inhabited it and during the Egyptian dynasties it occupied an important role in the history of Egypt on its expansion. during the old government era Thebes was still a simple village and Amun was a little important local god, where the desting of Thebes and its god Amun connected together from power and sthenia, when the rulersʼs strength of Thebes glorified during the middle government era to expansion in both upper and lower Egypt. So it grew the authority of Amun and He became the first national god and when the rulers of Thebes lead the struggle war against the Hyksos, the god Amun became the resistence god and with the extraneous Egyptian expansion which followed the removing of the Hyksos and its yield the building of the Egyptian empire in Syria during the modern government era, Amun, the god became the global god and the kings of Egypt indebted to the god Amun of their success and this show during of His much having from the income of His temples and in opposition Amun gave generously of his blessing on the dead kings who bury in the graveyards of Thebes.
This research studies the poetic necessity according to the critics who were interested in poetry, and wrote criticized books chose between poetry and poets , and classified poetry into section , depending on meaning and pronunciation . Critics em phasized the unique nature of poetry ,this uniqueness made the poets question what was against then rules making apologies for it to keep it accepted . Critics looked at poetry as another level of expression and approved it with terms and conditions , such as / shame / judgement and poetry phenomena , such of it according to necesseties , critics had different views about necessities , some refused it , and described as ugliness that fades away by words water , while others approved it . Whatever opinion have the critics about necessities , it is aphenomenon that took their attention , some wrote whole books , and others chapters . In most cases , no one called it as mistake , and the lasting effect of poetry that has necessities keep it approved .
The country Elam, one of the neighboring powers of Mesopotamia, and one of the areas of tension often, also had a significant Dorssayas in that experienced Mesopotamia of events, at least as important as the commercial and economic role, a role of RPR that fluctuate between war and peace over the years, and will deliver search more light on the side of the activity of the kings of the Assyrians a hundred and fifty years ago, it was characterized as a military richest in the history of Mesopotamia, in order to provide focused information on the relationship between Assyria and Elam, during the study period.
The syntax is the spirit of language , the core of its movement, it is living heart. And it is way of interpretation which is a pure mental manner . Taken by Arab Grammarians, so they gave it great effort in order to interpret the syntactic and morp hological bases . The following research considers the most important views of the old and modern syntax-specialists as starting point of studying the syntax – interpretations at two levels : the first Level contains concept and approach, It monitors the concept of reasoning in as, and the implications at rules of this term, the statement its motive which is based language in use . and the second level is referential . It demands its elements and the views of Arab syntax in it , and it clears its rules which was established tell the six migration century .
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