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تنظيم المعاينة الإحصائية و تصميمها في عمليات ضبط (مراقبة) الجودة على المنتجات الصناعية (حالة تطبيقية على الشركة السورية لصناعة الكابلات في دمشق)

938   1   80   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2005
  fields Economy
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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References used
بسترفيلد، دال، ترجمة ومراجعة سرور، علي إبراهيم سرور 1995 الرقابة على الجودة. المكتبة الأكاديمية، القاهرة، مصر.
الأمانة العامة للمنظمة العربية للمواصفات والمقاييس 1983 التقييس جامعة الدول العربية.
د. علي السلمي 1995 إدارة الجودة الشاملة ومتطلبات التأهل للأيزو دار غريب للطباعة والنشر والتوزيع، القاهرة، مصر.
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This research deals with the study and analysis the issue of planning and designing statistical sampling plan in specifications and how to use in monitoring and control industrial products quality in the light of the relationship between the producer and the consumer by examining certain quantities of production based on criteria pre defined in order to judgement on the batch viability to reach an acceptable quality level or not. The acceptance preview concept involves on examination of materials and parts of the external source, product examination in its different parts and final examination for the product by one customer or more, by using American system (MIL-STD-105E) and tables of (Dodge and Roming) which related with statistical sampling plans. This research shows theoretical and practical how to design statistical sampling plans to adjust the industrial products quality and its application in products quality control of Jood company for assembling electrical tools using statistical program (SPSS). The study concludes to results confirm that the company doesn't have an application of statistical techniques in quality control and limited to measuring the output quality characteristics in the laboratory without a clear scientific method in examine batches such as designing statistical sampling plan. Jood company has certificates of Syrian and European standards of quality control so it had to be a recommendation for the company in application the scientific statistical sampling techniques in all production stages and training the staff on its application using specialists in the field of quality with plans showing the place and the time of doing sampling and determine sampling points in different production stages in order to promote the company with its products and provide products almost free of defects which qualifies the company to competition in foreign markets, not local.
يهدف البحث إلى تعرف واقع الرقابة على الجودة في شركات القطاع العام الصناعي، و لما كان واقع هذا القطاع يواجه عدداً من القضايا و الصعوبات و خاصة ما ينعكس منها على مستوى جودة المنتج و تنافسيته، فإن هذا البحث يعد إسهاماً علمياً لحل هذا القصور بما يعزز دور القطاع العام، و تحسين أدائه.
This research deals with study and analysis the issue of adjust and control the production process by using the Quality Control Charts (Control Panels) for variables , in order to measure products quality during production process , by knowing deviat ions amount occurring in production process , causes, time and place deviation then take appropriate corrective actions. the quality control charts show graphic measurements over time and show the lower, central, and upper limits of the process that we want to control and quality control in order to distinguish between natural changes that caused by general reasons inherent in the process and the changes that caused by specific reasons. The research focuses on kinds of Quality Control Charts, the case have been applied on Jood Factory for assembly electrical tools, such as Control Charts for variables which includes Average chart ( X ̅- chart ) , standard deviation chart (s ̅ – chart), range chart (R – chart), and units chart (X– chart), the control lines were drawn by using SPSS program. The research concludes realistic results confirm that the company doesn't have an application of statistical techniques in quality control such as Quality Control Charts and there isn't clear scientific method according to athletic basis followed in process control. Jood company has certificates of Syrian and European standards of quality control so it had to be a recommendation for the company related to use statistical control charts in all production stages , and put periodic developmental specialist training programs in quality control field with the need to include a statistical cadre to staff working in the company, and the importance of measuring process capability to make sure of its abilityto achieve quality within the specified standards, and use control limits of six standard deviation about process average.
The aim of the research is to measuring the employees trends and direction toward a new way of adjusting the performance instead of the extent to which, as well as the extent to which this new way could possibility depend on instead of the existing way now. In order to achieve the adjectives of the research study a questionnaire of (56) questions components has been designed covering the main subjects and fields of the research variables, the number of individuals of this random sample examined research (174). Besides, the resaerchen used the study method of the descriptive analyzing study where be mode a comprehensive survey to all responses acquired end in the meantime used the (SPSS.V 15) program for analyzing and dealing with the inquiries concerned.
These papers aim to study the estimation of the simple linear regression equation coefficients using the least square method at different sample sizes and different sampling methods. And so on, the main goal of this research is to try to determine the optimum size and the best sampling method for these coefficients. We used experimental data for a population consist of 2000 students from different schools all over the country. We had changed the sample size each time and calculate the coefficients and then compare these coefficients for different sample sizes with their coefficients of the real population; and the results have been shown that the estimation of the linear regression equation coefficients are close from the real values of the coefficients of the regression line equation for the population when the sample size closes the value (325). As it turns out that the Stratified random sampling with proportional distribution with class sizes gives the best and most accurate results to estimate linear regression equation with least square method.

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