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Variability and phenotypic correlation among yield and some yield components in different genotypes of local radish (Raphanus sativus .L)

دراسة التباين و معامل الارتباط المظهري بين الغلة و بعض مكوناتها في طرز مختلفة من الفجل المحلي Raphanus sativus L

1516   0   48   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2014
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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The experiment was conducted at Tayba Research Station, General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research during 2011-2012, and 2012- 2013 growing seasons. Randomized block design with three replications was used to investigate phenotypic variances and to determine correlation of yield components of six local genotypes of radish. Significant differences between genotypes were appeared in diameter, length and weight of radish root. The correlation analysis revealed that root weight was positively and significantly correlated with both yield (0.964) and root diameter (0.274). Yield was positively and significantly correlated with root diameter (0.382). Root length was positively and significantly correlated with plant height (0.333) and number of leaves (0.329) per plant.

References used
Cools, M.H. 1981. Black radish varieties for the spring. Groenten enfruit, 36(26) :34-35
Danu, N. S. and S. D Lal. 1998. Correlation studies in radish (Raphanus sativus L.). Progressive Horticulture. 30(3/4): 135- 138
Grafius, J.E. 1956. Components of yield in oats: A geometric interpretation. Agron. J. 48: 419-423
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The present investigation was undertaken to estimate phenotypic correlation and path coefficient analysis for grain yield and its components in maize. Four local genotypes of yellow maize were evaluated in 2008 and 2009 growing seasons at two loca tions i.e. Damascus and Dir Al-Zor under three nitrogen fertilization levels (130, 195 and 260 of N. ha-1), The nitrogen fertilizer was applied at two splits. Split split plot design was used with 4 replications. Results of phenotypic correlation values showed that grain yield at Damascus location was positively and significantly associated with ear height (r= 0.204**), ear length (r= 0.205**) and number of rows per ear (r= 0.228**). On the other hand, grain yield at Dir Al-Zor location was positively and significantly associated with all studied traits at combined data whereas, it was positively and significantly associated with ear length at three levels and combined data (0.305*, 0.410**, 0.347** and 0.375**, respectively). The data of path coefficient analysis showed that ear length, ear height and number of rows per ear had positive direct effects on grain yield variation and thus grain yield improvement can be achieved through selection for ear length and ear height at Damascus location (11.06%). On the other side, data showed that each of ear height, number of kernels per row and 100-kernel weight had positive direct effects on grain yield variation (32.98%) and thus, 100-kernel weight can be considered as selection criteria may lead to the improvement of grain yield in yellow maize at Dir Al-Zor location.
In a study conducted at Research Center of Dara'a, General Commission for Scientific Agricultural Research during two growth seasons 2007/2008 and 2008/2009. 11 faba bean (Vicia faba L.) populations were planted in an experiment designed randomize d complete blocks design with three replications. The objectives were investigation of phenotypic variance among populations studied, to determine the relationship among number of yielded branches plant -1, number of pods plant -1 , number of seeds pod -1, 10- green pod weight (g) and yield of green pods plant -1 (g) using correlation and path coefficient analysis. The combined analysis of variance showed highly significant differences among populations under study and for all characteristics studied, except number of yielded branches plant-1 where differences were only significant. The correlation and path analysis studies revealed that negative and highly significant relationship was found between number of yielded branches plant -1 and yield of green pods plant-1, while was positive and highly significant between yield of green pods plant-1 and 10-green pod weight. All direct effects of components studied were negative in both seasons, except 10-green pod weight, and these results suggested adopting the last component as a selection index during making selection of high yielding genotypes in faba bean populations. .
This study was carried out at Karahta Station of Field Crop Research, General Commission of Agricultural Scientific Researches during 2010-2011 and 2011-2012 cropping seasons in order to determine the phenotypic correlation coefficient between the traits and the path coefficients analysis for the most affected traits in grain yield.
A half diallel set of crosses among six highly diverse barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) genotypes were evaluated at Karahta Research Station, General Commission of Scientific Agricultural Research (GCSAR), during 2010-2011 and 2011-2012 seasons to stud y heterosis, potence ratio, correlations among traits and path coefficient analysis for number of spikes per plant, number of grains per plant, number of grains per spike, biological yield ,and grain yield per plant. Heterosis effects for seed yield ranged from%-89.52 (T-6669×S-6303) to%16.99 (Arabi abiad mohsan×S-6689) and from%-49.94 (L-6711×S-6689) to %-1. 35 (Arabi abiad mohsan×S-6689) relative to mid and better parents respectively. Potence ratio values ranged from 1.14 (number of spikes per plant) to 3.50 (biological weight) indicating that non-additive gene action was more important in controlling all studied traits. Correlation coefficients among traits indicated that seed yield was positively and significantly associated with each of number of spikes per plant (0.289), number of grains per plant (0.832), number of grains per spike (0.587), and biological yield (0.708) traits. Path coefficient analysis indicated that number of grains per plant trait had high positive direct effects on grain yield.
This study was conducted at the farm of Faculty of Agricultural –Kharabo as an intensive crop during 201 and 2012 growing seasons. Using the Randomized Complete Block Design (RCBD) with two replications to study some genetic indices for grain yiel d and its components, of 79 families of the Sh group of maize improved by Full-sib selection. The results indicated that the broad sense heritability ranged from high to moderate for some yield components (number of kernels per row, number of rows per ear, ear length, ear diameter, the weight of whole ear, whole kernel weight and grain yield and it was 49.6, 52.9, 46.3 79.7, 56.74, 51 and 85.2%) respectively. Additive gene action appeared to be controlling number of kernel per row, number of rows per ear, ear length, ear diameter،,grain yiel, the weight of whole ea, kernel weight indicating less selection cycles are required to improve yield depending on its components.
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