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مسؤولية مراجع الحسابات عن اكتشاف التضليل في التقارير المالية للشركات الصناعية و العوامل المؤثرة في اكتشافه

1563   3   92   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2004
  fields Accounting
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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No English abstract

References used
Hylas ,E . , Ashton ,H., Audit Detection of Financial Statement Errors . The Accounting Review , October , 1982 , P . 752
J.G.Back, and W.H. Morghand, AThree Dimensional Look at Computer Fraud, Financial executive, October, 1984, p.p 21-23
التقرير السنوي عن أعمال مكتب المفتش العام في 2001 الصادر عن منظمة الأغذية . والزراعة للأمم المتحدة، روما، آذار / 2002
rate research

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This study is an attempt to determine the effect of the independence of the auditor in the credibility of the financial reporting which prepared with the supervising of auditor. The study was divided into two aspects: the first, addresses the theor etical side, the concept of the independence of the auditor and the potential impact in the case of a misfire in the independence of auditor professional and his/her performance in particular, and thus it effect directly in the nature of the issued report which includes his/her opinion in the process, which in turn is reflected in The final financial reports. The second aspect is the practical section, it is based on the data collection and analysis using the questionnaire as a key tool for data collection, which distributed to a number of auditors and accountants practicing the profession of auditing representing the financial control to see the impact of the independence of the auditor in the credibility of the final financial reports.
This study examined the factors affecting cash dividends policy of listed companies in Damascus Securities Exchange(DSE) during year 2009 to 2013.Using the TOBIT regression analysis, the study did not include year 2014 because the financial results of the meetings of their general assemblies noanunciarso far.
ترسم المبادئ المحاسبية الإطار العام الذي يحكم الطرق و الإجراءات المتبعة لإثبات العمليات المالية، و في إعداد القوائم و البيانات المالية . و في رأي مجلس معايير المحاسبة المالية الأمريكية FASB هناك أربعة مبادئ محاسبية تنضوي ضمن الفروض المحاسبية، و من بينها مبدأ الإفصاح التام .
إن الهدف الرئيسي لهذه الدراسة هو التعرف على العوامل التي تؤثر على سيولة أسهم الشركات المساهمة العامة المدرجة في سوق دمشق للأوراق المالية
This study aimed to know the impact of the new information content of the independent external auditor's report on the stock prices of companies listed on the Damascus Securities Exchange, with the information it contains, which was prepared in accor dance with the new and revised international auditing standards issued in 2015. this study included studying the content of the auditing reports published for a sample of joint stock companies listed on the Damascus securities Exchange in order to certify the results of their business for the years 2016, 2017 and 2018, and on the basis of which the companies were classified according to the content of the audit reports into three groups (companies that received reports Clean audit - companies got clean audit reports with Emphasis paragraphs - companies got conservative audit reports). then the study relied on studying the average share prices before and after the issuance of the new audit report in order to find out the investors ’reaction to the information published in the audit report, and the study concluded that there is an impact of the new informational content of the report on auditing the stock prices of companies listed on the Damascus Securities Exchange. The companies obtaining a clean audit report that affects the stock prices positively. As for the companies obtaining a conservative audit report, they affect the stock prices negatively. As for the Emphasis paragraphs, they do not affect the stock prices due to the method of reporting these paragraphs.
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