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The Position of the Poets of the Iranian Islamic Revolution Towards the Palestenian Cause

موقف شعراء الثورة الإسلامية الإيرانية من القضية الفلسطينية

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 Publication date 2009
  fields Persian
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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''al-Quds'', The Palestenian cause especially has always Been the main interest of the Arab Poets for a long time .This interest has increased after the 1948 '' Nakbeh '' However, this cause hasn't been away from the interest of the Iranian poets after the victory of their revolution in 1979. By the leader of the Islamic revolution the pussing I mam Ayatollah Khomeini who set the last Friday of Ramadan as AL-Quads day to remind the whole world of the depression, hardship, torment and suffering the people of Palestine are exposed to .

References used
روح الله لطيفي رستمى، نخل وزيتون، مركز پژوهان شاهد، شهريور 1383هـ . ش
طارق محمد محمود أحمد، الشعر الإيراني بعد الثورة دراسة في الفن والمضمون، رسالة دكتوراه (مخطوط) جامعة عين شمس (مصر) عام 2004 م.
فاطمه امير خانى فراهانى ، فلسطين من منظار قائد الثورة الإسلامية في إيران، ترجمــة : د . عبد الأمير عبد الزهرة عناد الغزالي، مراجعة، وتنقيح رعد جبارة . د .ط ، د . ت .
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This dissertation discusses the Bedouin nature in the fourth Hijry century's poets. This Bedouin nature is the hotbed of the Bedouins and simply the poet's shelter and their habitat in expressing their feelings and emotions throughout their descri ption of the silent nature in mentioning their love for the desert and their attachment for it and never leaving it in a nice poetic description which refers to the eloquence and the abilities of the poets in description and simile .Moreover , their speaking about this wide desert like describing sun , rain , thunder , moon , stars , mountains , and rivers . Also , the mobile nature which was described by them according to the feeling attitude and the psychological state of the poet . The nature's pictures are ready in the poet's mind without any effort in memorizing but they come spontaneously.
This study treated the position of the Mamluke state from the people of Keserwan and limiting it to the military campaigns that the Mamluke state waged against Keserwan Mountain at the ends of the seventh century H/the thirteenth century CE, which we re known historically by The Keserwan campaigns, and that by standing on their causes by showing the passings of the people of Keserwan and their positions from the state after its exposure to the Crusade invasion. As the three military Keserwan campaigns that the Mamluke state waged against the people of Keserwan with its different sects formed one of the most prominent episodes of the struggle in that geographical spot. This study revealed the several results and effects that those campaings left behind especially the political and demographic and denominational effects on the people of Keserwan. As the state could impose its prestige by force. This study aimed to show the position of the Shiekh ibn Taymia from the behaviours of the people of Keserwan and from their religious belief, with concentrating on his role in the 3rd campaign politically and militarily, and analyzing his letter to the Mamluke Sultan Al-Nasir Muhammad ibn Qalawun and its meanings, and observing its effects and gravity. As the Shiekh Taqiy Aldin ibn Taymia represented in the period of the first Mamluke age one of the most prominent scientists of the Sunna as he had an obvious role side by side with the political authority against its opponents. This study showed the development of this struggle and its revelations intellectually and theoretically by presenting opposite models representing it as Ibn Taymia and Ibn Al-Mutahir Al-Hilly. As the legal opinion of Ibn Taymia and his thought had the most effect in lighting the political and the intellectual struggle with them in the subsequent periods. The importance of this study became clear because of pure objective causes presented in its treatment of several centers and details by some neutrality far from partiality because of the tendencies and points of view that accompanied these campaigns which appeared in the historical writing based on the identity or sectarianism by some writers, which made the history of the campaigns on Keserwan in Lebanon a sectarian history as the whole relation with Mamluke state because of ignoring much of their aspects. As it is impossible in any case to burden the responsibility of the struggle with one of the two parties
In this paper is providing a proof for existing gap between theory and practice in the monetary policy of Islamic economic system based on studying a case of Islamic Republic of Iran. The Iranian monetary policy makers using widely participation p aper as a dualinstrument for monetary control and finance the investing & infrastructure projects. In addition, the central bank of Iran using profit rate effectively due to its monetary policy.
The study addressed the Iranian – Turkish relations after the cold war and focused on the most important interactions and trans formations takin, place between the two states in light of the international, regional and internal developments. The s tudy also analyzed the dialectic cooperation-competition which takes control of the track of Iranian-Turkish relationship since the end of the cold war as it identified the cooperation and competition factors between the two states in the three environments (internal, regional and international). The study found that the Iranian – Turkish relations have directly been affected by the end of the cold war when the collapse of the Soviet Union led to building up the regional role and political influence of the two states in the Middle East and central Asia in an effort to get the major regional power status in the regional system. The study found that the Iranian – Turkish relations have directly been affected by the end of the cold war when the collapse of the Soviet Union led to building up the regional role and political influence of the two states in the Middle East and central Asia in an effort to get the major regional power status in the regional system.
There is no doubt that the categorical proposition constituted the cornerstone of Aristotelian logic, and the viewpoint of modern logic about it - especially Frege- has been a landmark for a new logic. This research aims to study the Frege’s view of Aristotelian categorical proposition to cover all essential parts and formats by comparing them with the similar in modern logic that also been formed by Frege, or by the influence of him. So our research will study the most important differences between ancient and modern logic. And we will try to shed light on categorical proposition's forms by Frege. Then, we will study the whole modern opinions about the cutout matter between both ancient and modern logic by analyzing the new Frege's viewpoint about the structure of Aristotelian categorical proposition and its forms. Finally, our research seeks to define and describe the form of relationship between both Aristotelian and modern logic; is it a continuous developmental relation, a cutout and creation of a new logic, or is there a third form for this relationship?.
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