إن الحديث عن تجديد الفهم للنص الإسلامي، لايعني استحداث قيم جديدة، لا أصول لها، أو لا
تنسجم و الأصول العقائدية و التشريعية للإسلام، و إنما يعني تنقية أفهام الناس تجاه الدين من
الأمور السلبية، بحيث نفهم قيم الدين و مبادئه كما فهمه المسلمون الأوائل في صدر الإسلام، فهو
تجديد في فهم الناس لا في الدين نفسه، بما يشكله من قواعد و قيم كبرى ثابتة.
و نظرًا لإننا نعيش في عصر تحكمه حضارة مبرمجة، و تسعى بتخطيط دقيق و مدروس، فلابد من
أولويات لتجديد الفهم تتمثل بعملية التأصيل المنهجي، لأنها تمثل الإطار المرجعي الذي يستمد
منه المجتهد المفكر توجهاته النظرية في التفسير و الوصف و المواقف المترتبة على ذلك.
فضلا عن ذلك فإن قراءة الواقع، و فقهه بشكل متكامل، تؤكد لنا أن التجديد لابد أن ينال الواقع
برمته و من هذا المنطلق جاءت الدراسة لتبين أن الإسلام يؤكد ضرورة تجديد الفهم وفقه الواقع، من
خلال الإلمام بمنطلقات النص الإسلامي و منهجية تجديد فهمه من خلال أمور عدة تناولها
Renovating the interpretation of Islamic scripture doesn't refer to coining new
rootless values, which contradict with Islamic belief and legislative principles, but rather
refers to refining the way people understand religion from negative aspects, and enabling
them to understand religious values and principles as first Muslims understood them in
the outset of Islam. This is a renovation in the understanding of people, not in the religion
itself, and its firm rules and values.
Since we live in an age governed by programmed civilization, going by precise
and deliberate planning, then we have to set the priorities related to our intended
renovation of understanding, namely maintaining a systematic authentication method,
which constitutes the referential base from which the independent thinker derives his
theoretical approach to interpretation, description, and the consequent results.
Furthermore, reading the reality, and comprehending it in whole, reassures us
that the whole reality needs to be subjected to renovation.
Consequently, this study is intended to show that Islam emphasizes the need to renovate
comprehension and reality reading, by mastering the principles of Islamic scripture, and
obtaining a methodology of renovating its understanding, through several points this
research discusses….
References used
الماوردي: أبو الحسن علي بن محمد: أدب الدنيا والدين، دار الفكر، بيروت 2005 م، ص9
د. أحمد كمال أبو المجد: (حوار لا مواجهة)، دار الشروق د.ت، ص 11
الأمة والدولة :جدليات الجماعة والسلطة في المجال العربي الإسلامي ص 118
Financial security occupies an important role in achieving economic development by
finding the sources of funding and organize the mechanism of subscription on the shares
And issue it.
Damascus security exchange consider one of the best Arabic exc
The widespread dissemination of the above-mentioned rules and the establishment of an
international criminal court will greatly contribute to opening the way to breaking this
vicious cycle and achieving the objective of establishing legal norms tha
The present study aims to identify the similarities and differences in the view of
values between the main social theoretical trends adopted as assets to discuss topics of
interest to sociology. These trends agreed in principle to give quality of o
The study was built on pursuing opinions of some
contemporary researchers , then samples of the old critics' attitudes were
displayed , it is two parts . The first part included two different trends of
texts one of them is that on which the contem
Research sheds light on aspects Similar to express formal each of Islamic Art and Art Ancient Near East,
where reflected these aspects in many technical features formalism, Iterance, and symmetry,
transparency and perspective and the absence of sha