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Most available semantic parsing datasets, comprising of pairs of natural utterances and logical forms, were collected solely for the purpose of training and evaluation of natural language understanding systems. As a result, they do not contain any of the richness and variety of natural-occurring utterances, where humans ask about data they need or are curious about. In this work, we release SEDE, a dataset with 12,023 pairs of utterances and SQL queries collected from real usage on the Stack Exchange website. We show that these pairs contain a variety of real-world challenges which were rarely reflected so far in any other semantic parsing dataset, propose an evaluation metric based on comparison of partial query clauses that is more suitable for real-world queries, and conduct experiments with strong baselines, showing a large gap between the performance on SEDE compared to other common datasets.
Financial security occupies an important role in achieving economic development by finding the sources of funding and organize the mechanism of subscription on the shares And issue it. Damascus security exchange consider one of the best Arabic exc hange Securities and in spite of the current Syrian events the security maintained on good level of performance despite the lack of the listed companies and that cause to lack of diversity although this security experience many obstacles but it can be solved and that lead to increasing the participation of this security in the economic development. In this research was rely on the curriculum descriptive analytical get to know the market financial market Damascus Securities through reports issued by the data of the securities and concluded search to the limited role played by the market in the process of economic development and not the variety of securities denied companies of finding the sources of funding their investment and that all the constraints facing the market can be exceeded and attention to the market and that would raise the economic growth rate.
The Syrian law has contained a lot of supervisory methods and tools which can be illustrated through the company's organs, as the control can be internal or external.

هل ترغب بارسال اشعارات عن اخر التحديثات في شمرا-اكاديميا