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The Optional Implementation of the Invalid Donation Contract Because of a Lack of the Form

التنفيذ الاختياري لعقد الهبة الباطل لعيب في الشكل

1273   3   25   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2010
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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In this research, we tried to analyze the Optional implementation of the invalid donation contract because of a lack of the form and showed the rules, the conditions and the position of this implementation. Then, we tried to found this implement, So, we deduced that the legal nature of this implementation is just the legislator's will and this implementation is the law text application.

References used
المادة 322 من القانون المدني
المادة 172 من قانون الأحوال الشخصية
المادة 13 من القرار 188 لعام 1926 الخاص بنظام السجل العقاري
rate research

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Issues relating to the will in contracts usually cause a lot of difficulty. This is because will is clearly related to the mental and personal elements. Difficulties arise in defining the concept on the first hand, and in proving it on the other. Hence, the issue of intention to donate, which forms the mental element of the Grant Contract. This study attempts to simplify this difficulty by discussing the function of the intention to donate in Grant Contract. The function of intention to donate in Grant Contracts is twofold: formative and normative. By formative is meant the role of intention to donate in the formation and creation of the Grant Contract as seen in the elements of the contract. Normative refers to the role of intention to donate in distinguishing the Grant Contract from other legal actions, which might overlap with it in some actual cases.
This research aims to treat an important issue in the field of Latin Characters design, which concentrates on the role of the typography and its function in Graphic Design. This issue has abstractive conceptual dimensions as well as embodied visual ones because Typography has visual effects that help in understanding and clarifying the design which are as important as the image. Most of the time, Typography replaces the image and its significations as if it emerged from the abstract to the concrete, so the image symbolizes the abstract or signifies it. In fact, Serif Type appeared first, then was followed by Sans serif type; yet, the big/ small, thick/ thin characters has accompanied the journey of the two typographic until the Swiss has established basics and rules during the 1950s which they called Modernized Typography that dominated for a long while. Later on, reactions against it led to create designs that do not conform to any of the Swiss rules. Thus, new visual theories has emerged which were called by researchers Postmodernism in typographic design. In our research, we are going to discuss the types of characters that were widely spread and became like schools which were the center of argument between designers since the 20th century up to date.
we have dedicated this research to study the legal and legitimate nature of the banking Murabaha contract and the problems that might hinder its application. To determine the nature of the banking Murabaha contract, it is necessary to differentia te between the Murabaha contracts on the one hand and similar contracts on the other hand, such as the sale of trust, sale at auction, usurious loan contract and the documentary credit contract. Then the legal and the legitimate adaption of the banking Murabaha contract should be illustrated to approve the special and unique nature of this complex process.
The study problems represented in the question if it is possible that optional disclosure of environmental information will leads to the quality of accounting information in Sudanese business organizations. The study aimed to know whether the Sudan ese bodies committed to environmental performance and disclosure in financial reports & the analysis of the relationship between the optional disclosure & the environmental information to the quality of accounting information and evaluation of the environmental committing in Sudanese business organizations. In this study, a number of 150 questionnaires forms are distributed among accounting offices that work in Sudan. About 130 questionnaires forms are valid for analysis. The study comes the result that the optional disclosure leads to environmental information in the financial reports &provide good information in taking decisions& enable to predict environmental risk, which indicate the awareness of business organizations to the environmental issues.
International trade contracts are considered one of the most important topics of international law, because they are reflected on the economies of all countries, and that they are of the successive contracts, where goods take time to cross the border s of more than one country, which makes them exposed to risks. And since the documentary credit is one of the international trade contracts for its role in providing guarantee for the international sales, It is also one of the most capable means that the modern era has known in contributing to the completion of international trade deals, one the most important banking operations in the world, one of the most used tools of payment in international trade, and for its success as a fast-performing and low-cost tool, and since the documentary credit contract has a number of stages until it reaches its goal, this process may be hampered by unexpected events that are independent of the will of the debtor and affect the implementation making it either impossible as force majeure, or exhausting for debtor while remaining possible; as emergency circumstance.
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