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التحكيم في العمليات المصرفية في الدول ذات الاقتصاد المتحول -المثال السوري-

1612   2   41   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2008
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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References used
د. أحمد أبو الوفا: " التحكيم بالقضاء وبالصلح " منشأة المعارف – الطبعة الأولى، 1964
علي جمال الدين عوض: "عمليات البنوك من الوجهة القانونية" دار النهضة العربية
The Fershfeilds Guide to Arbitration and ADR – Clauses in International Contracts – 2nd revised ed – Kluwer Law international
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This research aims to study the Gat arrangement and how it reflects on and affects the economies of the undeveloped countries as in the case of Syria. There might be advantages and disadvantages of Global Trade Organization on the Syrian economy i n spite of the fact that this treaty has been signed in a time of increase in industrial production in the developed countries which aim to sell their products and increase their profits. Perhaps, Syria's joining Gat might benefit and help develop its industries, decrease the cost of production and improve the economy.
تعد سرية العمليات المصرفية من الناحية القانونية من أساسيات العمل المصرفي في جميع أنحاء العالم. و قد حرصت الأعراف و التقاليد المصرفية و القوانين منذ بداية الأعمال المصرفية على مبدأ السرية المصرفية. و إمعاناً في تأكيد أهمية هذا المبدأ سارعت سورية إلى إصدار تشريع خاص بالسرية المصرفية عام 2001 ، ثم ما لبث أن عدل عام 2005. هدف هذا البحث إلى التعريف بالسرية المصرفية و نطاقها و تنظيمها القانوني في سورية في ظل أحكام القانون رقم 34 لعام 2005.
تظهر أهمية النشاط المصرفي من خلال الدور الرئيسي الذي يؤديه في الحياة الاقتصادية للبلد. و من خلال ممارسته لمهنته، فإن المصرف ملزم بالمحافظة و التكتم على جميع المعلومات السرية المتعلقة بعملياته، سواء لمصلحة المصرف أم لمصلحة المتعاملين معه، بل حتى لمصلح ة الغير، و بذلك، و بإجماع الرأي، فإن كان المصرف ملتزم بالتكتم لمصلحة المتعاملين معه.
In light of the rapid developments witnessed by the world of globalization and integration to the global economy and large developments in information and communications technology, taking the competitive concept widely watched, and the developing countries have taken, including Arab and positioning themselves for the Twins and these developments for the benefit of private pursuing policies and reforms that create habitat advantages Economic appropriate to enhance their competitiveness in an open world to trade and to foreign investment. On this basis, Syria has adopted the concept of competitiveness in order to raise the level of performance of public institutions and the business sector, and work to create more investment opportunities that would contribute to enhance their competitiveness. Find it and mainly aimed at the Syrian site within the competitive indicators according to international reports, highlighting the ranking compared to other Arab countries.
Investment is considered the engine to economic growth because it leads to many productive and service projects and in many other fields as well. Investment creates lots of job opportunities and offer the government and individuals financial revenues which usually come back in the economic circle through sales, this increases the absorption capacity of the national economy and expanding consumption in addition to ameliorate the living conditions for citizens. Investment has different aspects such as local private and public investment, direct and indirect foreign investment. In all cases, it is considered a fundamental venue and basic motivation for growth in any community. The research concentrates on the subject of investment and the role of private investment in the Syrian economy during the period 2006-2010. The objectives are first to explore the legislative and legal structure of private investment through analyzing the main features of the Syrian economy in early twenty 1st century and the development of this structure, which is the first part of the research. The second objective is to study the importance of private investments at the sector level and locally and abroad as well, which constitute the main theme of the second part of the research under the title “the development of the private investments in the Syrian Economy”.
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