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السرية المصرفية في القانون السوري

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 Publication date 2001
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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RIVES–LANGE Jean Louis et CONTAMINE- RAYNAUD Monique : Droit bancaire , 6 edition , 1995 , Precis Dalloz
مجلة القانون .
rate research

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تعد سرية العمليات المصرفية من الناحية القانونية من أساسيات العمل المصرفي في جميع أنحاء العالم. و قد حرصت الأعراف و التقاليد المصرفية و القوانين منذ بداية الأعمال المصرفية على مبدأ السرية المصرفية. و إمعاناً في تأكيد أهمية هذا المبدأ سارعت سورية إلى إصدار تشريع خاص بالسرية المصرفية عام 2001 ، ثم ما لبث أن عدل عام 2005. هدف هذا البحث إلى التعريف بالسرية المصرفية و نطاقها و تنظيمها القانوني في سورية في ظل أحكام القانون رقم 34 لعام 2005.
The sexual exploitation is one of the most important and dangerous human trafficking crimes and the most prevalent worldwide; due to several reasons comes in the forefront of the development of means of communication and transportation, which facilit ated the commission of these crimes and contributed to the emergence of methods and new mechanisms have; The crime of sexual exploitation in Syria characterized by the provisions and the characteristics that distinguish it from other sexual offenses provided for in the Syrian legislation and it is more trafficking in human Beings crimes prevalent in Syria despite the legal prohibition, which is increasing day after day, leaving a large number of victims, mostly women and children, in spite of the importance of the efforts being made in order to combat it. It is noted that the Syrian legislature has came out from the general rules in the crime of sexual exploitation and singled her special provisions commensurate with the dangerous, in order to control the optimal shape, and the protection of victims and provide them with the necessary care And was interested in this research shed light on the concept of sexual exploitation in the Syrian law, and the statement of its properties, and to distinguish it from similar concepts to him; accordance with the legislation in force in Syria, particularly trafficking in persons law Syrian / 3/2010.
Approved a Syrian legislator protect the freedom of movement acted involuntarily to man, expresses hereby expressly intention to move and wander according to his will, for the exercise of its work and its rights and other freedoms, but this does n ot mean that the desire of the individual has become similar to the rule of law Such freedom is not absolute, it can not be for a person to give up her due its close association with the moral side of the human personality.
رد المحكم هو منعه من النظر و الفصل في القضية التحكيمية، بناء على طلب أحد الخصوم، لأسباب يخشى أن تخرجه عن حياده، و على الرغم من أن الأصل يقضي بأن يختار أطراف التحكيم المحكمين إلا أن المشرع السوري أجاز رد المحكم و حدد أسباب الرد في المادة 18 من قانون ا لتحكيم. و تقسم أسباب رد المحكم إلى مجموعتين، المجموعة الأولى تجيز رد المحكم للأسباب ذاتها التي يصح رد القضاة من أجلها، و المجموعة الثانية تجيز رد المحكم إذا فقد أحد شروط صلاحيته المنصوص عليها في قانون التحكيم، و قد تحدثنا عن ذلك في مبحثين، مخصصين مبحث مستقلٌ لكل مجموعة.
nationality legal system that does not concern only the state but rather a means to determine the population element where and is for human tool set for the distribution of individuals internationally between states and political units, is consider ed sexual For individuals a personal right for those who enjoy it depends upon designate the amount of the rights enjoyed by and dependent upon appointment Applicable law, so it is necessary that the individual is attributed to the state of the world and the associated Association of nationality and of his interests and his right to defend this status and required the state to recognize him out and respected, is linked to nationality law problem of conflict of nationalities, both dual citizenship when he enjoys the individual more than one nationality, and statelessness in the case do not enjoy any individual nationality and we will in our study, both the problem of the conflict of nationalities and their effects on the individual and the state and the community international.
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