لا يزال خفض الشحوم في المصل محصوراً بالأدوية الكيميائية ذات التأثيرات الضائرة الكثيرة،وللتوصل لدواء آمن هدف هذا البحث إلى استقصاء فعالية خلاصات الزنجبيل المجفف والغض بجرعتين على مستويات الكوليسترول الكلي والبروتينات الشحمية مرتفعة الكثافة وخفيضة الكثافة والغليسيريدات الثلاثية عند جرذان مصابة بفرط الكوليسترول الناتج عن قصور الغدة الدرقية المسبب بمادة بروبيل ثيويوراسيل.
Decreasing serum lipids is still blocked by chemical drugs which have many
side effects, and to achieve a safe medicine, this study aims to investigate the act of aqueous extracts of
dried and fresh Zingiber officinale roscoe at tow doses on the levels of total cholesterol, HDL high-density
cholesterol, LDL low-density cholesterol, and TG triglycerides in rat with hypercholesterolemia, resulting
from hypothyroidism, caused by propyltheouracil PTU.
References used
Pobert P, Mahaley W, and Tomas P Persot, Drug therapy of hypercholesterolemia and dyslipidemia in "Goodman&Gilman,s, The pharmacologic basis of herapeutics", ed.Laurence Brunton, John S Lazo, Keith L Parker, McGraw-Hill,11th ,2006 ,p: 933-961
Anonymous, "Wealth of India, Raw materials", Volume1, Council of scientific and industrial Research, CSRI Publications, New Delhi, 1976, p:35-38
Zachariah T J, Ginger in "Chemistry of spices", ed Parthasarathy VA, chempakam B, and Zachariah TJ, CABI, 2008, p:70-100
This study was conducted in the laboratories of the Faculty of Science In the spring
on 2013, after being subjected to gavage for 4 weeks through a standard diet supplemented
fat by 3% to two groups (6animales per group) the experimental group beca
Samples of Trout dived into aqueous extract of ginger in different
concentrations (5-15-25)% for one minute and then preserved at 4±1
cº for 13 days. It has studied the effect of aqueous extract of ginger
in bacterial load, including general bacterial census and the census
of pseudomonas. It was also identified the values of the pH and
some organoleptic qualities of meat such as color, smell, texture and
The antimicrobial activity of aqueous extract of Zingiber Officinalis
were tested for their antifungal activity against the following
dermatophytes :Candida albicans, Cladosporium cladosporiosis ,
Cryptococcus neuphormans, Trichophyton violaceum a
In research we studied the effect of vitamin C on the level of total
cholesterol ،triglycerides ، (HDL) and (LDL) in the stressful
rabbits blood by hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) . We used 30 rabbits
were divided into three groups:First groupnot stresse
This study was conducted on twenty white rats were distributed into five
groups and injected over a month and a half at different doses (ranging
from 150 - 950 mg / kg) of cimetidine.