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The American Policy towards Interference Cases in Human Rights

السياسة الأمريكية تجاه قضايا التدخل في حقوق الإنسان

2436   2   18   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2013
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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In the last few years the world faced many political, economical, ideological and military changes, leading to the emergence of a new international situation. These changes had their effects on the international relations especially in the method of dealing with different issues and problems. They also affected on applying the principles on which the international law is based such as sovereignty, equality in sovereignty, the principles of human rights and the principle of not interfering in the internal affairs of other countries. On these bases a new international map is formed with the emergence of one political and economical pole. As a consequence, the world has lost its strategic balance and the onepole trend has dominated the international relations and has manifested itself in the international decision-making and the current world issues. This, in turn, has compromised the role of the United Nations and other international government and non-government organizations that comprise the human rights organizations on the bases that what happened in Iraq and happening in Libya are considered a human disaster in all measures. Through the trespasses that the United States has committed, and still committing, by jumping over the international legitimacy and the contradictions in the unrealistic justifications for waging wars and military actions and the consequent violations of internationally admitted human rights through international treaties, for all these, the United States is considered part of most of them.

References used
See 2005 World Summit Outcome, General Assembly Resolution 60/1, para. 138-139, U.N. Doc. A/60/L.1( Oct.24,2005). Available at
(See 2005 World Summit Outcome, General Assembly Resolution 60/1, para. 138-139, U.N. Doc. A/60/L.1( Oct.24,2005
International Coalition for the responsibility to protect, The crisis in Libya, available at
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The issue of human rights is one of the most important issues that are still on the stage at all times and permanently, especially on the political scene and these are the ones that have taken the lead and are the subject of global and domestic atten tion, so we find at the global level and in particular after the end of the Second World War a need has emerged For global peace and the need to work to create a kind of international balance, in addition to seeking by a number of people to achieve independence and work to build the national state, the bodies and organizations of the international community have emerged and they are concerned with human rights and fundamental freedoms and these are the ones that have emerged from many of Declarations and many international agreements in most areas related to human rights, and we find that at the local level, Egypt has not failed to participate in all efforts and all international forums that have discussed issues related to human rights, and the principle of respect for human rights is one of the most important criteria for defining relationships and defining international transactions and measuring The political development of any society, and the evaluation of political systems as well as economic and social systems has become subject to the extent to which these systems are achieving in order to achieve many goals. The rights and freedoms have even turned into one of the important measures for growth, and consequently, international concern for human rights has become one of the main distinguishing features of the contemporary international system.
American foreign policy is closely related to domestic politics, and is influenced by many official institutions And informal, at the level of foreign decision-makers, the White House, represented by the President and his advisers, foreign ministers, the Ministry of Defense, and the US Congress, plays an influential role in directing and implementing American foreign policy, and interest and pressure groups, led by the Zionist lobby, play a major role in influencing these institutions. Relations between the United States of America and the Zionist entity went through several stages, in which the Zionist lobby played an extreme and influential role in the orientations of American policy towards the Arab-Zionist conflict in the Middle East before the declaration of the Zionist entity in1948 until now. The American strategy has met with the Israeli strategic role in the Middle East, which can achieve American interests through mutual agreement on many principles such as preserving the security of the Zionist entity and pressure on Arab countries to recognize it and classify the United States of America as a major ally of the Zionist entity and secure states' access United and its allies on oil supplies in the Middle East. Syria being one of the Arab countries and within the countries of the Middle East was the focus of attention of the United States of America and the Zionist entity in particular Through this study, we are trying to clarify the role of this lobby in incitement and the recent war on Syria and the interests and gains that the Zionist entity has achieved from this war.
Result in any State two commitments one respect for human rights and the other counter-terrorism, the source of these commitments is the international norms and conventions on the one hand and constitutional texts on the other.
Interpretability or explainability is an emerging research field in NLP. From a user-centric point of view, the goal is to build models that provide proper justification for their decisions, similar to those of humans, by requiring the models to sati sfy additional constraints. To this end, we introduce a new application on legal text where, contrary to mainstream literature targeting word-level rationales, we conceive rationales as selected paragraphs in multi-paragraph structured court cases. We also release a new dataset comprising European Court of Human Rights cases, including annotations for paragraph-level rationales. We use this dataset to study the effect of already proposed rationale constraints, i.e., sparsity, continuity, and comprehensiveness, formulated as regularizers. Our findings indicate that some of these constraints are not beneficial in paragraph-level rationale extraction, while others need re-formulation to better handle the multi-label nature of the task we consider. We also introduce a new constraint, singularity, which further improves the quality of rationales, even compared with noisy rationale supervision. Experimental results indicate that the newly introduced task is very challenging and there is a large scope for further research.
This research aims to show The extent of the protection afforded by the European Convention on Human Rights concerning the right to challenge the legality of detention, especially in light of what Jurisprudence of the European Court of Human Rights shows In this regard.
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