يعد الانحسار اللثوي واحداً من أكثر العيوب اللثوية المخاطية شيوعاً. هدفت هذه الدراسة إلى تقييم انتشار الانحسار اللثوي لدى مجموعة من المرضى المراجعين لعيادة أمراض الأنسجة حول السنية في كلية طب الأسنان بالجامعة الدولية الخاصة للعلوم و التكنولوجيا.
Gingival recession (GR), is the most common problem in the mucogingiva. This
study was aimed to assess the Prevalence of gingival recession in 850 adults individuals mean aged 41year,
randomly selected from the patients attending the periodontal department in dental school IUST.
References used
Smith R G. Gingival recession reaprasial of an enigioma condition and a new index for menitoring.J Clin Perio. 1997;(24):200-05
Dodwad V. A etiology and severity of gingival recession among young individuals in Belgaum district in India.Annal Dent Univ Malaya. 2001;( 8):1-6
MillerPD Jr.A classification of marginal tissue recession.Int.J Periodontics Restorative Dent.1985;( 5):9-13
There are no sufficient studies about the prevalence of Toxoplasmosis in Syrian
females, so our aim in this paper were 1) Screening study of Toxoplasmosis antibodies among Arab
International University female students in Syria, 2) determination of
Recession curves of yearly stream flow hydrographs are analyzed by a
probabilistic approach suggested by (Akosy, H. & Bayazit M, (2001)) and
development of a spatial program with advanced language programming
(Visual Basic 6) compatible with Micro
The study addresses a number of legal issues related to the Syrian position on the
Special Tribunal for Lebanon. First, it represents the legal basis of the Syria position
with regard to the rules of the national law.
The study also addresses a nu
This study aimed to determine the effect of advertising on the purchasing behavior of the university youth and to monitor the extent of their interest in follow-up ads and the extent of its influence in addition to the quality of those ads and how th
Most colleges of architecture in the Arab countries use the closed studio system where students of one level work separately with their instructor in one studio. Also known is the open studio where a
number of design levels share the same space. Stu