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Beauty According to the Knights (Amro Ebn Madi Karb as an example)

جمال القيم عند الفرسان (عمرو بن معدي كرب مثالاً)

1052   0   10   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2008
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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The research purpose is to reveal the Arabian poets realization of "beauty" at the end of the pre-Islamic epoch and at the beginning of Islam indicating the character of continuity in the civilization structure from the viewpoint of beauty and goodness. The research method: The research studies the poets who lived before Islam and mentioned the word beauty in their poems.

References used
الإحكام في أصول القرآن، لم أجده، وأخذ عن الشابكة، وهو غير موافق للكتاب في ترقيم الصحائف.
جماليات الشعر العربي-دراسة في فلسفة الجمال في الوعي الشعري الجاهلي، د.هلال جهاد، بيروت-مركز دراسات الوحدة العربية، ط 2007 ،1 م
ديوان عنترة ومعلقته، حققه وشرحه خليل شرف الدين، بيروت- دار ومكتبة الهلال، ط 1988 ،1 م
rate research

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This research work tackles the strange contradiction between the political history and the literary history of the Ottoman period. In the first history, there is a general agreement about its end at the finish of the First World War. In the second , it is commonly held that is end is with the Napolyonic campaign on Egypt in 179g, but some literary historians did not agree; despite this they used the common belief consequently, this work notes that this problem led to two dangerous things: first, the misunderstanding and the underestimation of the Ottoman literature in its important objective and artistic values. After pointing to this problem, the work tries to trace the continued Ottoman elements in the literature of the Renaissance period. It finds out also that this period is so active with the Ottoman reign more than any other period. This in its turn led to the conclusion that the movement of the late Arab literature into modern Arab literature was gradual. Accordingly, this research work considers the First World War as the end of the Arab literature during the Ottoman period.
This paper aims to, in through scientific analysis mythology supported by practical samples. Knowing the used classification in the countries of the world, including the distinguish between country and city, or between rural settlements and focus ing the classification that concerning the planners during establishing strategies for rural regions. This paper conclude to analyze the used classification criteria in order to reach a planning classification that could support classifying the Syrian villages which have mountainous nature, and defiantly a different classification of the usual used classification.
This research has been implemented in Homs city-Syria, in order to study the configuration of the road network in residential district, and the debates about the most efficient pattern in terms of functional performance, treeor grid pattern, or oth er patterns. In order to do that, it focused on the planning principles of functional performance, which can be summarized to:( proximity, permeability, security). And worked on identifying Accurately the functional performance indicators, and there measuring method, and they were (Cell / Cul ratio – T / X ratio- distant between the center and the periphery - number of cells per unit area –hierarchy). And applied it on the case studies: (organized / newly planned residential districts). It turns out that the road network should have a medium proximity and permeability for traffic,while it should be high for pedestrian. Therefore,the network patternCandidate forbetterfunctional performance when it's nearly in the mid-way between (tree and grid).
Undergraduate academic education stage is of great importance for a student of architectural art in all its dimensions and specializations, the most important of which is architectural design, where the diverse nature of projects that are presented for him in a quest to identify most functions that human –made buildings occupy and these changes synchronized and updated the path of development and needs. Perhaps the commercial servicing buildings are the most important of these current facilities which the architectural education sector in the Faculty of architecture of the University. Because their are architectural structure that have met a distinguished attention and demand locally and internationally, to satisfy the improvement of labor market and the details of the daily modern life, in the light of the conducted methodology in teaching the "Architectural Design" course, which the research spots light on through the analysis of a group of projects that were designed by students, to evaluate its consistency with the essence of the period in follow up with the most important things that are presented in the field of architecture internationally of theories and ideas, and with the various needs of users that are identified in the contents of the project on one hand, and with the conditions and rules of building rules in the city which has imposed a current situation the research will study.
This research is making a simple effort only in order to be added to a set of previous efforts and it may come after it attempting to gather to make an approach between these studies through the use and the help of linguistic scholar of early Arab. Scholars and scientists namely (Aljahes) T. (255 AH), and a linguistic theory which the talk about it has grown a lot since the beginning the century twenty namely the theory of context.
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