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Height and Feature Parameters Study of thermally evaporated ZnS thin films By AFM

دراسة برامترات الخشونة لأغشية ZnS الموضعة حرارياً على ركائز من الزجاج بمجهر القوة الذرية

1227   1   19   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2013
  fields Physics
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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AFM has been used to get microscopic information of the surface structure and to plot topographies representing the surface relief. AFM technique can be used to visualize the surface relief, specify the growth of thin films, and determine Height parameters.

References used
Gao X. D., Li X. M, Yu W. D., Studies of zinc and lead chalcogenide thin films grown by SILAR Thin Solid films 468 (2004)43
Cheng J., Fan D., Wang H., Liu B. W., Chemical bath deposition of crystalline ZnS thin films, Semicond. Sci. Technol. 18 (2003)676
S. H. Deulkar, C. H. Bhosaile, M. Sharon, A study of structural, compositional and optical properties of spray-deposited non-stoichiometric (Zn,Fe)S thin films, J. Phys. Chem. Solids 65(2004)1879
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We present in this paper a graphical study of regions of thermally deposited ZnS thin films on glass by atomic force microscope (AFM). This study consists of volume parameters and functional parameters of these films surfaces for the object of inv estigating the possibility to retain fluids by these films. For doing so, we registered Abbott-Firestone curves that are based on height distribution for these films, we measured volume and functional parameters in the whole pores. Using the thresholding operator we followed parameters distribution in depth of the surface. At the end we compared these parameters by the results of another study based on slice selection at different levels.
In this paper we present a study of ZnS thin films thermally deposited on glass substrates, with different optical thicknesses. On topography micrographs and feature parameters obtained by Atomic Force Microscope, we pursued the islands formation and growing in ZnS thin films even on the same optical thickness of the film. For doing so, we analyzed the micrographs surface, using Watershed Segmentation and Wolf pruning that allow the detection of significant features on surfaces, Grain sorting operator and Parameter Distribution Study.
CdTe Thin films were deposited on silicon substrates by thermal evaporation method. The geometric thickness was calculated using interferometric method based on reflectance curve recorded with the spectrophotometer. The Reflection of High-Energy E lectron Diffraction (RHEED) patterns and XRD analysis reveals that the structure of the films are polycrystalline with preferential orientation (111). The structure constant (a), crystallite size (D), dislocation density (δ) and strain (ε) were calculated, and it is observed that the crystallite size increases but micro-strain and dislocation density decreases with increases in thin film thickness. The composition of the samples was determined by Energy Dispersive X-ray Analysis (EDX) and it is found that the wt.% of Cd increases and the wt.% of Te decreases with the increases of film thickness due to the re-evaporation of Te.
In this paper we present the preparation of PbS nanocrystalline thin films using Chemical Bath Deposition (CBD) technique. We have performed this work in order to study the photoconductivity of PbS semi-conductor thin films. The details of the pre paration method are described. Thickness of deposited films has been determined using mechanical and optical methods. From the optical absorption measurements we have determined the band gap values. Using the first approximation parabolic bands model and the obtained values of band gaps, we have determined the size of PbS nanocrystallites. Also, we have investigated the electrical and photoelectrical behaviors of the PbS films. Our study shows that the size of PbS thin films nanocrystallites affects the photoconductive properties of the material. Furthermore, investigations show that there are two different sizes of grains located in two different layers, the first one, with grain’s size of about 25nm, concerns the part of PbS deposited directly on the glass substrate and the second layer, with grain’s size of about 70nm, concerns the PbS deposited on the first layer.
There has been much interest in photonic and spectroscopic devices that are useful for controlling transmission and reflection coefficients such as multilayer thin films, photonic crystals, and various Bragg structures in the form of molds or multilayer thin films.

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