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New Hydrogeological data of Al-Sin aquifer with the help of geoelectrical prospecting

معطيات هيدروجيولوجية جديدة لتحديد الحامل المائي الرئيس لنبع السن بمساعدة طرائق التنقيب الجيوكهربائية

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 Publication date 2013
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Results of this research which had been done by hydrogeological and geoelectrical survey for fresh water resources in the study region (wells and springs) show that the fundamental aquifer of underground water in AL-SIN region belongs to Jurassic. The alimentary basin of AL-SIN spring depend upon filtration of rain water and snow throw Jurassic formation from north and north–east of basin. Direction of underground water circulation on west and south-west where we find flow place of AL-SIN spring and submarine springs near seashore.

References used
PONIKAROV,.Geological Maps of Syria(Lattakia and Hama sheet), scale 1\200000. Damascus1966
RUSK. R,. Geological Maps of Syria(Qrdaha), scale 1\50000. Damascus1978
AL JRMAKANI I. Geological Maps of Syria(Qdmous), scale 1\50000. Damascus1979
rate research

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The obtained results by hydrogeological and Tectonic survey related to fresh water resources in Al-Sin Basin, indicated that the fundamental aquifer of underground water in AL-SIN region belong to Jurassic. The alimentary basin of Al-Sin spring depen d upon filtration of rainfall water and snow throw Jurassic formation from north and north–east of basin. Direction of underground water circulation is toward west and south-west where we find flow place of Al-Sin spring and submarine fresh springs near seashore. Tectonical study shows the existence of fractures and fault groups with NE-SW, ENE-WSW and NW-SE directions. Groundwater movement has the same direction of fractures and faults NE-SW to ENE-WSW and Al-Sin fault structure which allow the existence of direct relation between principal Jurassic aquifer and secondary aquifer especially Cenomanian one.
AlSin Spring spurts at the foot of coastal mountains and pours in The Mediterranean sea near Arab-Almulk village. Presently, spring water used for drinking, irrigation and industry, while excess water goes to sea. Current research aims to determin e the daily discharge response to daily rainfall, and to set an equation for recession discharge for predicting spring discharge and volumes of flow after definite time from the beginning of spring base flow, which allows to operate and manipulate available water resources through an optimum design of water intake from this spring. Response time of AlSin Spring between (3-5) days for average discrete daily rainfall with high intensity which caused 0.5 ~ 1.0 m3/sec increasing in spring discharge value. Yearly discharge trends to decrease with a rate of 0.0975 m3/sec between 1974 and 2016 years. While the monthly minimum discharges increase about 0.1284 m3/sec, and monthly maximums decrease about 0.0752 m3/sec between 1994 and 2016. We recommend adopting recession curve analysis to predict the optimal discharge of springs within definite periods.
The research area is located in the Syrian coast between the Sin and Rous river. This research aims at studying the hydrogeological characteristics of the unconfined aquifer in the research area and evaluating the conditions of its placed. The rese arch was based on a monitoring network consisting of 36 wells that penetrate the unconfined aquifer, and measurements continued during the period (October 2016 until September 2017). The unconfined groundwater depths in the research area range between 0.5-11.5 m, and sometimes during the drought period reach to 13.5 m, while it is close to the surface in the winter and up to 0.1m in some wells. The electrical conductivity ranges between 550-3700 μs/cm, increasing as we go west and reaching 9,000 μs/cm and more in the wells near the sea during the dry period. Groundwater levels Lower in the dry period to below sea level in near-shore wells, achieves the hydrodynamic conditions of the seawater intrusion.
The study and design of water-intakes on springs is based on the analysis of time series of historical measurements to achieve prediction of incoming water volumes or future expected. The research aims to model the monthly water flows of AL-SIN Sp ring in Syrian Coast and future expectations of these flows, by adopting the Box-Jenkins models to analyze the time series data, due to its reliable accuracy. Monthly water flows, thus, monthly volumes, for 101 month (from June 2008 to October 2016) were processed. Performing the stability of the time series on variance and median and non-seasonality and making the wanted tests on model residuals, we found that the best model to represent the data is SARIMA(2,0,1) (2,1,0)12 , and after dividing the data into 81 month to build the model and 20 month to test it. Depending on the smallest of weighted mean of criteria RMSE, MAP, MAE,. The best predicted model was SARIMA (3,1,0) (1,1,0)12 and the model gave the nearest predicted values to actually measured data in spring.
Tectonic study and structural analyses of Al-Sin Faults Zone show that it is composed from a group of E-W to NE-SW pure normal faults, characterizing by increasing of vertical throw from east to west. Formation and evolution of Al-Sin Faults Zone principally related to coastal Range uplift during Levant Fault formation in lower Pliocene. Al-Sin Faults Zone used heritable faults from lower Cretaceous, witch interpret the important deviation of its direction from E-W to NE-SW.
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