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مستويات التناص بين (المقامة الأسدية) لبديع الزمان الهمذاني و (صفة الأسد) لأبي زبيد الطائي

1018   1   29   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2013
  fields Arabic
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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References used
الأغاني لأبي الفرج الأصفهاني (م 356 ه) - طبعة مصورة في (مؤسسة جمال للطباعة والنشر ببيروت) عن طبعة دار الكتب المصرية، ج 12
تاريخ الأدب العربي - ترجمة: الدكتور إبراهيم الكيلاني، منشورات وزارة الثقافة، دمشق، ط1 , 1973
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It is well understood that the productivity and thus the final yield of a crop are the result of several interacted factors, which have different effects on yield. This requires the determination of all factors affecting yield or other traits, the relationships among these factors, the value of correlation coefficient and the degree to which yield is affected by each of these factors.
The Modern architecture lost something of its identity whereas most of privacy and self-vanished an architecture features, manifestation and values of each time and place; which led to research in history to find a character as a kind of solution by depending on the latest theories in the world which discussing the science of phenomena in architecture through investment potential types and original shapes, translated and merged it with the development of the present and its means, that can produce an architecture and its technology and between the historical infrastructure architectural forms to achieve a communication architecture that express human thought, his past, present and future. This current search discusses the concept of types and its evolution through historical periods through review of studies results and theorist's proposals of each era, and studies Schulz's theory the researcher who deepened the concept of archetype, and linking it with the knowledge of phenomena as well as the theories that he adopted, then select the properties that the archetype is determine on this basis follows by the steps to translate it to reach to the similar type.
Abu Hayyan was one of the few among those distinguished who were distinguished by the influence of insight and accuracy of deduction with the strength of the model, the light of insight, creativity in argument, eloquence in the tongue and clarity in the statement, thus leaving an immortal effect among the people
This study shows Lubaid s vision – as a poet – for time and place . It talks about Lubaid s point of view for these two words. Though , we all agree that time and place have an argumentative effect in the whole poetry in all ages . So , if we have an analytic view apart of the historical approach which contributes Lubaid just as a poet but not a genius .
Al-Andalucia Magamat book was not far away from the variety of life scenes intheir society.But,by their intelligent awareness they could select some of their problems and re-organise them in artistic picture,trying seriously to find suitions.they con ceived by their deep sight how to react sensibly with their fact,when they wanted to depict a phenomenon.They used certain tools to depict the corruption describing the state,the complaint,the sarcasm,the humour and Al-Makdi type.This study aims to throw thelight on these tools which Al-Makdi writers and the Andalucians used to direct their critical arrows towards all that caused their psychological pressure.This study also depends on descriptionand analysis as a method to achieve this aim.
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