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The effect of Islamic miniatures in paintings of Picasso

تأثير المنمنمات الإسلامية في لوحات بابلو بيكاسو

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 Publication date 2012
  fields Fine Arts
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Research sheds light on some artistic effects of Islamic miniatures in some paintings of the artist Pablo Picasso, by tracking aspects of these effects through phases of his artistic experience, the start of the Blue Period, through the pink stage, then phase of cubism, then phases abstract and classic almost concurrent, then Surrealism stage. Was standing when these effects through stand at five aspects: Expressionist oriented, terminological oriented, mental-oriented, objective-oriented, and oriented plastic. The search had reached a number of conclusions and recommendations, the most important Islamic aesthetic portability in painting for inspiration in contemporary painting experiments.

References used
باونيس، آلان، الفن الأوروبي الحديث، ت: فخري . خليل، دار المأمون، بغداد 1990
Carsten-Peter Warncke, Pablo Picasso 1881-1973, Taschen, Part 1
Elke Buchholz, Beate Zimmermann, Pablo Picasso, Sa vie et son oeuvre
rate research

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This research study aims to investigate some works of Picasso, as one of the most famous names in modern art, especially in sculpture domain, as well as the way of his beginnings that feed him back with the inspirations and the creative ideas. Thes e last two ones which started with painting and ended by creating unique patterns in the space that no one has ever discovered before. It was according to the cubism school, in which Picasso is considered one of its founders and creators. The importance of this research comes mainly form the knowledge of the way of merging between mechanisms and multiple items on one side, and the creativity statue on the other side. Artist have employed his unlimited creative skills in such a discriminated style representing his character and his inventive thoughts. In that way, he established a new and a strange concept in sculpture world, whence the form and the essence, and through that he can merge resplendently between collage and sculpture under one umbrella, compounding and construction. His works in Synthetic cubism was evidence on his ingeniousness.
The huge technological advancement and the artist's enthusiasm for the development of original metallic sculpture using non-costly, accessible and natural material that provides sculpting work continuance and meets his/her innovative instinct as a r eflection of their faithfulness, patience and technical seriousness. The sculptors of the twentieth century especially the talented artists as Picasso, calder and cesar chose metal thus translating their amazing skills, creativity and innovation in their works, and expanding their sculpted achievements in a close and reciprocal relationship between the monument and creativity clearly appears. In this research, we shed light on a summary of the most three dazzled artists in our age, not to forget that those three artists started with classical realism in their experience in metal works to end with modern sculpting including abstraction which is manifested in calder and cesar's new works. Their great works invaded the modern world, thus proving the close relationship between metal and artistic creativity in a statue.
This study aims to clarify the concept of profitability and liquidity at the Islamic Banks, and discuss how the liquidity affects the Islamic banks profitability. In order to achieve these objectives, the researcher, after presenting the theoreti cal framework for the study, conducts a case study of the Islamic banks working in Syria (Albaraka- Syria Bank, Cham Bank, Syria International Islamic Bank), and conducts an appropriate statistical test to show the relationship between the liquidity and profitability (measured by ROA) of those Islamic banks. The researcher depends on the financial statements in the reports published by Islamic banks, using the statistical program SPSS 18 to get the results of this test. This study concluded that: there is no a significant relationship between Islamic banks liquidity and profitability, although they have high liquidity ratios, and low return on assets in general.
This survey has aimed at knowledge how the effect of inflation average is on the volume of the Islamic deposit banks. This survey has been made on a group of Islamic banks in Syria during the period from 2006 to 2014. The descriptive analytical me thod has been followed in this survey, and analyzing data by using the program Statistical Package for the Social Sciences spss. And this survey has concluded that there is a positive relation between inflation average and the volume of deposits, in addition the increase of deposit volumes in Islamic banks during the survey period except for the year 2011 which saw a decrease in the deposits average, and also an increase in inflation average in general until the year2011. However, the increases have become sudden and so big.
This research aims to study the problem of liquidity excess، so it considers from the important problem that is facing the Islamic banks especially in this obstacles: 1- Modernity time of Islamic banks. 2- littleness of financial tools that used to manage the liquidity in Islamic banks. 3- Nonexistence Law are fitting with targets and field of activity of Islamic banks. And It is done that through knowing the liquidity in these banks and the tools used to manage the liquidity، inside to the best Islamic financial tools that Islamic banks are able to use in manage the liquidity.
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