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Study the Discarding factors in friesien cattle and its effect on the milk production of jeb Ramlah dairy cattle

دراسة أسباب الاستبعاد في أبقار الفريزيان و أثره على إنتاج الحليب في مبقرة جب رملة

1710   1   61   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2014
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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This study was done on the records of 564 milk cows during the period 2004-2007 .Those cows were dismissed for many reasons and in different ages. The range of dismissing age is between 3-6 years. The ratio of dismissing of those cows was between 20-25% . The rate of dismissing was high in the first lactation season . It reached 27,43% for the years 2004-2005, and 24,45% for the years 2006-2007. The highest percentage of dismissing was in the first month of milk seasons .It reached 34,49% in the years 2006-2007.

Artificial intelligence review:
Research summary
أجريت هذه الدراسة في محطة أبقار جب رملة التابعة للمؤسسة العامة للمباقر على سجلات 564 بقرة حلوب خلال الفترة ما بين عامي 2004-2007. تم استبعاد الأبقار لأسباب متعددة وبأعمار مختلفة تتراوح بين 3-6 سنوات، حيث تراوحت نسب الاستبعاد بين 20-25%. كانت نسبة الاستبعاد مرتفعة في الموسم الأول، حيث وصلت إلى 27.43% للسنوات 2004-2005 و24.45% للسنوات 2006-2007. أعلى نسبة استبعاد كانت في الشهر الأول من مواسم الحليب، حيث بلغت 34.49% في الأعوام 2006-2007. عند دراسة السجلات الكاملة لـ 194 بقرة، كانت المشاكل التناسلية السبب الرئيسي للاستبعاد بنسبة 28.35%، تليها أمراض الأطراف والكسور بنسبة 14.95%، ثم انخفاض الإنتاج بنسبة 11.34%. أظهر التحليل الإحصائي فروق معنوية عند بعض الأسباب عند مستوى (0.5 ≥ P). كما ظهر تفاوت في إنتاج الحليب بين 1816 كغ و4954.2 كغ. تهدف الدراسة إلى معرفة أهم أسباب الاستبعاد والعمل على تلافيها لرفع الإنتاج وإطالة العمر الإنتاجي للأبقار.
Critical review
دراسة نقدية: تعتبر هذه الدراسة مهمة لفهم أسباب استبعاد الأبقار في محطة جب رملة وتأثيرها على إنتاج الحليب. ومع ذلك، يمكن توجيه بعض الانتقادات البناءة لتحسين الدراسة. أولاً، كان من المفيد تضمين تحليل أعمق للعوامل البيئية والإدارية التي قد تؤثر على نسب الاستبعاد. ثانياً، يمكن توسيع نطاق الدراسة ليشمل محطات أخرى للمقارنة والحصول على نتائج أكثر شمولية. ثالثاً، لم يتم التطرق بشكل كافٍ إلى الحلول المقترحة لمعالجة المشاكل التناسلية والأمراض التي تؤدي إلى الاستبعاد. أخيراً، يمكن تحسين الدراسة من خلال استخدام تقنيات تحليل بيانات أكثر تقدماً لتقديم توصيات أكثر دقة وفعالية.
Questions related to the research
  1. ما هي الأسباب الرئيسية لاستبعاد الأبقار في محطة جب رملة؟

    الأسباب الرئيسية هي المشاكل التناسلية بنسبة 28.35%، أمراض الأطراف والكسور بنسبة 14.95%، وانخفاض الإنتاج بنسبة 11.34%.

  2. ما هي أعلى نسبة استبعاد للأبقار حسب الموسم؟

    أعلى نسبة استبعاد كانت في الموسم الأول، حيث وصلت إلى 27.43% للسنوات 2004-2005 و24.45% للسنوات 2006-2007.

  3. ما هو التفاوت في إنتاج الحليب بين الأبقار المستبعدة؟

    تراوح إنتاج الحليب بين 1816 كغ و4954.2 كغ.

  4. ما هي التوصيات التي قدمتها الدراسة لتحسين إنتاج الحليب وتقليل نسب الاستبعاد؟

    التوصيات تشمل مراقبة دورة الشبق للتلقيح في الدورة الثانية بعد الولادة، مراقبة خروج المشيمة وإجراء فحص الحمل مبكراً، استخدام ثيران تتناسب أحجامها مع أحجام وأوزان العجلات، والمراقبة الصحية للضرع.

References used
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rate research

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This study was conducted at Kharabo dairy station belongs to the Faculty of Agriculture، University of Damascus. 692 productive records for 269 Holstein Friesian cattle were used to study the effects of calving year, age at first calving، calving season and parity on the adjusted 305-day milk yield. Data were exposed to GLM, analysis of variance was applied to determine the effect of studied factors and differences between averages were compared according to Duncan test using SPPS 17. The overall mean for (305-d milk) was 6222.6 ± 62.01 kg. and affected significantly (P < 0.001) by calving year and parity and (P<0.05) by age at first calving. No significant effect for season was observed. Results suggested that better management practices and improving the feeding status might help increasing the 305-d milk and making the status more economic efficient in the dairy cattle at Kharabo Farm.
The design of milking spaces, which are called Mahlab, is considered as the main factor for many experts in agricultural engineering and animal production. The main aim is to determine the optimum parlour milking with highest production and little stress, whereas the parlour milking is considered as the most important design factor in the barn because it is Influences getting the milk in cattle productivity farms. According to the importance of milk production, which effects on the local production and economy, this paper treats with the most effective factors in the design of parlour milking in cattle farms, in order to be suitable for dairy cattle production by considering its numbers, its movement and its suitable space. So, this reflects its impacts on the level of production, in addition it shows the most important type of parlour milking in the world that reflects the advantages and disadvantages that determine the type and size of required parlour milking and its location and relationship with the cattle barn.
This study was conducted at Kharabo Dairy Station belongs to the Faculty of agriculture, University of Damascus. 553 records for 206 Holstein Friesian cattle were used to study factors affecting the calving interval during 1982 to 2007. Data were exposed eccording to GLM, and analysis of variance was used to determine the calving interval (CI) and the effect of calving year, calving season, parity and interactions on the calving interval, and Duncan test was used to compare means by SPSS program. The overall mean for (CI) was 459.12±4.90 days. and affected significantly (0.001>P) by calving year, but there was no significant effect for calving season, parity and interactions between studied factors on the calving interval. These results suggested that better management, and applaying more efficient administration practices as well as to improving the feeding status may reduce calving interval to typical period of 365 days and increase reproductive and economic efficiency of dairy cattle at Kharabo station.
Records of ٤٤٥ Friesian cows were analysed for calving interval and its components; days open, lactation length and length of dry period. The model included parity, calving year and calving season. The overall means were ٤٢٥,٧٧ ± ١,٨٩, ١٤١,٣ ± ١,٣ ٧, ٣٥٣,٩ ± ٠,٨٨ and ٧٣,٠٢ ± ٠,٧٧ days for calving interval, days open, lactation length and length of the dry period respectively. These estimates are high by tropical and subtopical standards, but they remain lower than the reproductive performance of Friesian cattle in temperate countries.
This study conducted at Deir Al-Hajar Station during the season 2010-2011 to describe the lactation curve of Shami cattle and determine factors affecting its shape compenents. 1120 records of 356 Shami cows collected between 1997 – 2010 were used. Data were subjected to general linear model, and the analysis of variance used to determine the effect of factors. Duncan test was used to compare the means using SAS system (1996) and Incomplete gamma functions were used to estimate the parameters of lactation curve (a, b and on the basis of daily yield of milk. Results indicated that the average values of the gamma parameters were 2.14 ± 0.01 kg for a (beginning of milking ), 0.61 ± 0.02 kg for b (increasing milk production up to peak) and - 0.23± 0.01 kg for c (decreasing milk production from peak to dry). The effect of calving year was significant (p<0.01) on a, and (p<0.05) on b and (p<0.001) on c. The effect of age at calving and sex of calf was significant (p<0.01) on a but non significant on b and c. Season of calving, parity, and interaction between age and parity was not significant on all parameters. It was concluded that improving the productive performance of Shami cattle, requires applying a long term genetic improvement program to select the best herd.
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