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The Civil Liability of Media Web Sites

المسؤولية المدنية للمواقع الإلكترونية الإعلامية

2542   2   133   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2014
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Web sites have brought about a mass media revolution, that proved to be pivotal in the fields of change, Such web sites have even managed to compete with traditional media, both in terms of efficiency and popularity. Thus raising several intricate legal questions, in the forefront of these is the question of the civil liability of these mass media web sites for the harmful or illegal content thereof. Given the large number of persons usually in charge of operating such web sites the question is raised about how to identify the person liable, and about the cases where the liability of mass media web sites really exists .

References used
القاضي الدكتور إلياس ناصيف، العقود الدولية ( العقد الالكتروني في القانون المقارن )، منشورات الحلبي الحقوقية، بيروت، لبنان، الطبعة الأولى، 2009
د.أودين سلوم الحايك، مسؤولية مزودي خدمات الإنترنت التقنية، رسالة دكتوراه، المؤسسة الحديثة للكتاب، طرابلس، لبنان، 2009
Benoît Frydman and Isabelle Rorive, Regulating Internet Content through Intermediaries in Europe and the USA, Oxford January 2002, available at: http://www.droittechnologie. org/upload/dossier/doc/92-1.pdf
Mr. Kamiel Koelman and Professor Bernt Hugenholtz, Online Service Providers Liability For Copyright Infringement, Workshop on Service Providers Liability, WIPO, Geneva, December 9 and 10, 1999, available at:
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Symptoms of the progress of the civil case are events or facts that the lawsuit is exposed to in terms of form and before entering into the matter, and which lead to the suspension or temporary suspension of the proceeding in the case. There are cert ain symptoms that occur in the civil case, which make it in a state of temporary stagnation that prevents it from moving towards its desired goal Also, some of these symptoms are due to involuntary causes that occur without the litigants having a hand in their occurrence, or the ability to push them. Such as death, loss of capacity, or loss of legal representative status.
in our research we came to the conclusion that the targeted protection of criminal possession is actual possession and possession of the intended protection criminal either by the prosecuting magistrate or the criminal judiciary is not the posses sion concept in the law civil and protected by three claims of possession, and that the prosecuting magistrate's position is to follow-up.
In fact, the modern stage is one of the most important stages throughout the human as it is during this phase is determined by effervescence personal inclinations and selfcomposed and culture and highlight the social relations on the yard of his li fe. Child today is a man of tomorrow. And if they hauled him protection and affection, and security and care and free upbringing innate or acquired, and we have provided to him for safe living, including food and clothing and health condition-free organic diseases and psychiatric we were able to build a new man with a social tendencies is hostile against the other or against society and we stepped away from him through the deviation. The Syrian Juveniles Act launched in the event of the arrest of the principle of the benefit of the event, and did not set conditions and special controls limit the power of the judge to appreciate this interest, and authorized the detention for all events, regardless of the crime committed. Fearing the possibility of the occurrence of any abuse by the judge, on the basis of legal logic, should put special conditions arrest event and determine the scope and restricted to juveniles who have completed fifteen, when committed a felony and clear-cut enough of primary significance to condemn the event. As it is unreasonable to make such a restraining order against the dangerous and the rest of the events action, while it does not apply to them any penalty involving freedom, but apply to them reform measures provided for in Article IV of the Juvenile Delinquents Act. And must seek out an educational character of alternative measures and reform, would replace the detention and arrest.
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