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The legal basis for civil liability for disclosure of secret bank

الأساس القانوني للمسؤولية المدنية عن إفشاء السر البنكي

1742   2   143   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2017
  fields Law
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shamra Editor

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Banking secret is the obligation imposed on the burden of the bank and the employees represented in secrecy about the clients information they know within the scope of their job and keeping these secrets confidential. This is an obligation that has been familiar to the banking system since the time of old civilization, which was regarded as an obligation imposed mainly by values and morals and secondly by the legal rules as a legal obligation.

References used
HU Ying, 2015-Bank Secrecy Symposium,4-5 December 2014 at Faculty of Law, National University of Singapore ,40p
حسن, سعيد عبد اللطيف, 2004- الحماية الجنائية للسرية المصرفية, دار النهضة العربية, القاهرة, 355 صفحة.
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Web sites have brought about a mass media revolution, that proved to be pivotal in the fields of change, Such web sites have even managed to compete with traditional media, both in terms of efficiency and popularity. Thus raising several intricate le gal questions, in the forefront of these is the question of the civil liability of these mass media web sites for the harmful or illegal content thereof. Given the large number of persons usually in charge of operating such web sites the question is raised about how to identify the person liable, and about the cases where the liability of mass media web sites really exists .
إن الالتزام بالسر المهني واجب أملته قواعد الشرف، و كذا قواعد القانون، إذ يجب على الأطباء كتمان كل ما يصل إلى عملهم في أثناء عملهم ، أو بمناسبة ممارستهم لمهنتهم الطبية، و ما عهد إليهم من أخبار و معلومات. فالفحص و العلاج و التداوي الطبي، سِر بطبيعته. إذا كان الحفاظ على السر الطبي تبرره المصلحة الشخصية للعميل أو المريض، فلا غرو أن المشرع ابتغى إلزام أصحاب البدل البيضاء، بهذا الالتزام من أجل تحقيق و حماية المصلحة العامة. بحيث تنتشر الثقة و تتوطد الروابط بين المتعامل أو المريض من جهة و الأطباء من جهة أخرى.
This research deals the legal system for bank guarantee letters , and we tried first to define the legal nature of a bank guarantee letter by distinguishing between it and similar systems, We talked about the position of national legislation on indep endent guarantees and we touched upon some legislations that regulated the provisions of the bank guarantee letter in their legal texts, After trying to determine the reasons for the refusal of the legislator in some countries to address the issue of the letter of guarantee, We also explained the role of the judiciary that tried to return unregulated systems to a legal basis after adjusting their facts through a process of induction and reasoning within the scope of legal logic, and we discussed some judicial applications in this regardi, At the end of our research, we reached a number of findings and recommendations, hoping that they would contribute to promoting this type of guarantees due to their importance in practical life.
in our research we came to the conclusion that the targeted protection of criminal possession is actual possession and possession of the intended protection criminal either by the prosecuting magistrate or the criminal judiciary is not the posses sion concept in the law civil and protected by three claims of possession, and that the prosecuting magistrate's position is to follow-up.
Symptoms of the progress of the civil case are events or facts that the lawsuit is exposed to in terms of form and before entering into the matter, and which lead to the suspension or temporary suspension of the proceeding in the case. There are cert ain symptoms that occur in the civil case, which make it in a state of temporary stagnation that prevents it from moving towards its desired goal Also, some of these symptoms are due to involuntary causes that occur without the litigants having a hand in their occurrence, or the ability to push them. Such as death, loss of capacity, or loss of legal representative status.

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