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Information Retrieval System For Arabic Language

نظام استرجاع معلومات للغة العربية

3332   4   909   0 ( 0 )
 Publication date 2014
and research's language is العربية
 Created by Shaban Khatib

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No English abstract

References used
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Knowledge graphs (KGs) are widely used to store and access information about entities and their relationships. Given a query, the task of entity retrieval from a KG aims at presenting a ranked list of entities relevant to the query. Lately, an increa sing number of models for entity retrieval have shown a significant improvement over traditional methods. These models, however, were developed for English KGs. In this work, we build on one such system, named KEWER, to propose SERAG (Semantic Entity Retrieval from Arabic knowledge Graphs). Like KEWER, SERAG uses random walks to generate entity embeddings. DBpedia-Entity v2 is considered the standard test collection for entity retrieval. We discuss the challenges of using it for non-English languages in general and Arabic in particular. We provide an Arabic version of this standard collection, and use it to evaluate SERAG. SERAG is shown to significantly outperform the popular BM25 model thanks to its multi-hop reasoning.
اخترنا في هذا المشروع العمل على تطوير نظام يقوم بتصنيف المستندات العربية حسب محتواها, يقوم هذه النظام بالتحليل اللفظي لكلمات المستند ثم إجراء عملية Stemming"رد الأفعال إلى أصلها" ثم تطبيق عملية إحصائية على المستند في مرحلة تدريب النظام ثم بالاعتماد على خوارزميات في الذكاء الصنعي يتم تصنيف المستند حسب محتواه ضمن عناقيد
An expert system was developed to consider words' grammar case in Arabic phrases without diacritics. First, the system gets words' morphology and tags using Microsoft tool (ATK), then it depends on Arabic grammar to get words' grammar case in nominal phrases. The system gave a very good results as they compared with Arabic language expert.
Introducing biomedical informatics (BMI) students to natural language processing (NLP) requires balancing technical depth with practical know-how to address application-focused needs. We developed a set of three activities introducing introductory BM I students to information retrieval with NLP, covering document representation strategies and language models from TF-IDF to BERT. These activities provide students with hands-on experience targeted towards common use cases, and introduce fundamental components of NLP workflows for a wide variety of applications.
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