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اخترنا في هذا المشروع العمل على تطوير نظام يقوم بتصنيف المستندات العربية حسب محتواها, يقوم هذه النظام بالتحليل اللفظي لكلمات المستند ثم إجراء عملية Stemming"رد الأفعال إلى أصلها" ثم تطبيق عملية إحصائية على المستند في مرحلة تدريب النظام ثم بالاعتماد على خوارزميات في الذكاء الصنعي يتم تصنيف المستند حسب محتواه ضمن عناقيد
The purpose of this article is to shed light on the mechanism and the procedures of a program that classifies an input face into any of the six basic facial expressions, which are Anger, Disgust, Fear, Happiness, Sadness and Surprise, in addition to normal face. This program works by apply PCA- principal component analysis algorithm, which is applied of one side of the face, and depends, on contrast to the traditional studies which rely on the whole face, on three components: Eyebrows, Eyes and Mouth. Those out-value are used to determine the facial feature array as an input to the neural network, and the neural network is trained by using the back-propagation algorithm. Note that the faces used in this study belong to people from different ages and races.
The algorithm classifies objects to a predefined number of clusters, which is given by the user (assume k clusters). The idea is to choose random cluster centers, one for each cluster. These centers are preferred to be as far as possible from each ot her. Starting points affect the clustering process and results. Here the Centroid initialization plays an important role in determining the cluster assignment in effective way. Also, the convergence behavior of clustering is based on the initial centroid values assigned. This research focuses on the assignment of cluster centroid selection so as to improve the clustering performance by K-Means clustering algorithm. This research uses Initial Cluster Centers Derived from Data Partitioning along the Data Axis with the Highest Variance to assign for cluster centroid.
The Cotton classification system is considered one of the most important factors that has an effect on produced cotton yarns quality, so we - in this research – have studied these items : the increased neps percentage phenomenon (state). the cotton grades which recorded on the cotton bales. Detection of local cotton classification system accuracy and efficiency. study of the possibility of application SOLVIOV equation on Syrian cotton classification has been done certain tests on cotton samples which have been taken from different ginning centers and different bales.
The ability of data mining to provide predictive information derived from huge databases became an effective tool in the hands of companies and individuals، allowing them to focus on areas that are important to them from the massive data generated by the march of their daily lives. Along with the increasing importance of this science there was a rapidly increasing in the tools that produced to implement the theory concepts as fast as possible. So it will be hard to take a decision on which of these tools is the best to perform the desired task. This study provides a comparison between the two most commonly used data mining tools according to opinion polls، namely: Rapidminer and R programming language in order to help researchers and developers to choose the best suited tool for them between the two. Adopted the comparison on seven criteria: platform، algorithms، input/output formats، visualization، user’s evaluation، infrastructure and potential development، and performance by applying a set of classification algorithms on a number of data sets and using two techniques to split data set: cross validation and hold-out to make sure of the results. The Results show that R supports the largest number of algorithms، input/output formats، and visualization. While Rapidminer superiority in terms of ease of use and support for a greater number of platforms. In terms of performance the accuracy of classification models that were built using the R packages were higher. That was not true in some cases imposed by the nature of the data because we did not added any pre-processing stage. Finally the preference option in any tool is depending on the extent of the user experience and purpose that the tool is used for
The purpose of this article is to shed light on the mechanism and the procedures of a neuro-fuzzy controller that classifies an input face into any of the four facial expressions, which are Happiness, Sadness, Anger and Fear. This program works a ccording to the facial characteristic points-FCP which is taken from one side of the face, and depends, in contrast with some traditional studies which rely on the whole face, on three components: Eyebrows, Eyes and Mouth.

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